President Reportedly Seeking $3.6 Trillion in Cuts – IOTW Report

President Reportedly Seeking $3.6 Trillion in Cuts

The White House proposes to balance the budget in 10 years by making significant cuts to the federal budget. Members of congress are already declaring the intended reformation of government a nonstarter and have already rejected the very concept of reducing federal spending on Medicaid, Social Security Disability Insurance, food stamps, federal student loans, federal worker retirement programs and agriculture subsidies.

Perhaps the most ambitious part of the proposed budget is the intention of cutting domestic agencies by 10 percent next year up to 40 percent by 2027. Members of congress are expected to completely ignore the President’s proposals. Even with the proposed cuts, the Tax Policy Center has reviewed the tax cuts this administration wished to make and projects another $7 trillion added to the federal debt.





14 Comments on President Reportedly Seeking $3.6 Trillion in Cuts

  1. I think these are just reductions in the rate of growth, as compared to actually cutting total dollars spent. Congress can’t/won’t even consider slowing down their spending. They are like drunks in a brewery.

  2. Wathing this year in and year out, it’s painfully apparent that there will never again be a budget. It’s all for show, to make us peons think they’re working to right the ship. However all they are doing is jerking each other off right to the bank.

    Trump’s budget however is a lot more palatable then any one of Barry’s and it sets a nice tone.

  3. “Trumps voters are NOT looking to be the recipients of a government handout. Who in the hell said that?”

    If you open the link it’s the title o the article. I stopped reading there. But I did just notice the CBO has already scored this, not sure how they pulled that off so fast, and they’re saying this budget will add a gazillion dollars to the deficit. If we cut the CBO we can save even more money.

  4. Nice to hear that finally some consideration is given to taxpayers. These are not cuts but reductions in the rate of growth of these programs. Even so, the Congress will oppose these modest changes.

  5. Jerry Brown blasted the proposed cut. Of course. We’re allowed freeloaders, according to him. I guess that makes me a deplorable freeloader.

    In the mean time, the state democrats are proposing stats-wide, single payer, healthcare system for the state.

    The state budget is just north of one trillion dollars. The single payer system has, by their estimate, a four trillion dollar price tag.

    Logic might suggest, no way does this get through for Brown’s signature. but logic and California never will cross paths

  6. Balance the budget in 10 years?
    3.6 trillion in cuts – over 10 years?
    This is not what I wanted to hear. It means the debt will continue to grow, but at a lower rate that Bush II and Obama.
    We have three years to make a dent in the national debt or it’s over. Drain the swamp NOW!!!!!!

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