President Trump Addresses the Nation Ahead of Hurricane Irma – IOTW Report

President Trump Addresses the Nation Ahead of Hurricane Irma

h/t Hannity

8 Comments on President Trump Addresses the Nation Ahead of Hurricane Irma

  1. On the way out of Florida I decided to swing by Mark Levin’s house to take a peek, that place is a freaking fortress, but somebody really needs to tell him he left the back door open to the elements. Somebody’s going to lose a job over there.

  2. Trump is doing some things that I wish he wasn’t. Here is an example, giving FEMA funds to churches that are housing hurricane evacuees. Something about that I don’t like. Churches are already tax exempt, but they will receive tax money for their charitable work. That and Sessions……

  3. No matter what we may be told about hurricanes, we need to be reminded of the Florida Hurricane Andrew ( August 24, 1992) cover-up of horrors in the US. We can never assume that we are getting the truth about any potential natural disaster, or about the worst results of such.

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