President Trump Eviscerates Liberal Talking Points During NBC Town Hall – IOTW Report

President Trump Eviscerates Liberal Talking Points During NBC Town Hall


In a town hall with NBC News on Thursday night, President Trump spoke the truth about Speaker Pelosi’s opposition to an additional coronavirus relief package. Asked why a fourth stimulus package has not yet been signed into law, the president called out Speaker Pelosi’s politically-driven delay tactics that have inhibited the passage of economic relief for Americans in need.

Indeed, Democrats are responsible for blocking the last relief package that was proposed by Republicans and had the backing of the White House. Just over a month ago, Democrats filibustered discussion on, and eventual passage of, a $300 billion dollar package.

In typical mainstream media fashion, President Trump was asked if he condemns white supremacy, as he already has. As the president pointed out, former Vice President Joe Biden has not yet been forced to condemn Antifa and other groups responsible for the violent riots plaguing American cities. more

9 Comments on President Trump Eviscerates Liberal Talking Points During NBC Town Hall

  1. Watched both town halls and I can’t wait for the next debate!
    Trump – You can’t put together a coherent sentence.
    Joe – That’s a…, wha,what the people want.., I have a plan for that.

  2. I don’t think it makes any difference, I think everyone -even the “undecided”- has already chosen to be on one side or the other of our divide and will vote that way no matter what is said or done by who.

    What this election is really deciding is who has the most people, at least voting people, on their side of the divide and who has the least.

    A few weeks and we’ll know.

  3. According to the last presidential election and the polls in this one, it shows that any community you live in guarantees that at least half of your neighbors are america hating assholes that want the complete upending of this country.
    It looks like half the country are complete scum.

  4. Anon said, “…it shows that any community you live in guarantees that at least half of your neighbors are america hating assholes that want the complete upending of this country.”

    Not my community bub. Not even close. You think because you live in a shithole(I’m assuming here) everyone does. Where I live is important to me because I don’t want to live with “assholes”

    And if you look at a red/blue map of the US, you’ll note there’s a whole lot more red than blue.


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