President Trump Vows To Destroy Johnson Amendment – IOTW Report

President Trump Vows To Destroy Johnson Amendment

President Trump vowed to “totally destroy” the Johnson amendment at the National Prayer Breakfast.

This means places of worship would not lose exempt tax status if they campaign from the pulpit – you know, like Reverend Wright.



  • The Washington Post has a great explanation of the Johnson Amendment, which basically bans churches and charities from participating in political campaigns unless they give up tax-exempt status.
  • Getting rid of the Johnson Amendment is part of Trump’s emerging “agenda of religious nationalism,” in which the president is linking being American with being Christian, the Atlantic reports.
  • MSNBC weighs in on why promising to “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment is important. One such reason is that it would allow political parties and candidates to “funnel campaign donations through tax-exempt churches” with no oversight.


12 Comments on President Trump Vows To Destroy Johnson Amendment

  1. This is a good thing. Liberal/democrat churches have been campaigning from the pulpit from day one with no repercussions. Conservative churches on the other hand have been held to the letter of the law not only by the nazIRS but by republican presidents poorly advised to uphold the Amendment against conservative churches.

  2. All this law ever did was to keep predominately White Christian churches from having a stated political opinion.

    Next: Separation of Church and State. Christianity seems to be the only religion impacted by that!
    “Tell ’em yer a muzlim”

  3. ““funnel campaign donations through tax-exempt churches” with no oversight.”

    Like giving “walkin round” money to negro churches?
    Like “Revrum” Al, and “Revrum” Jesse?

    It was only enforced on one side, anyway.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What irony! Old smarmy, slimy and crooked Johnson has already been destroyed by his own fellow traveler and depraved, Marxist supporters! Way past time to destroy any of his foul legacy still stinking up our government lo these many years!

  5. Obvious downside is this will be seized on eagerly by Mosques to promote political Islamic jihad, nonstop.

    I’d rather have seen the old law enforced for the first time against the Sharpton and Jackson crowd. And the mosques.

  6. Obvious downside is this will be seized on eagerly by Mosques to promote political Islamic jihad, nonstop.

    I’d rather have seen the old law enforced for the first time against the Sharpton and Jackson crowd. And the mosques.

  7. The Johnson Amendment is a provision in the U.S. tax code that prohibits all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. 501(c)(3) organizations are the most common type of nonprofit organization the United States, ranging from charitable foundations to universities and churches. The amendment is named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. In recent years many Republicans have sought to repeal it, arguing that it restricts the free speech rights of churches and other religious groups. ~ Wikipedia

    It needs to go. It was a tax code amendment used by the progressive left as a cudgel against their political enemies and to this day is used that way. It has never been directed at public universities (where it is most needed today) or against any other leftist 501c3.

  8. Repeal the 16th Amendment and you eliminate all this bullshit.
    The “Income Tax” is an abomination – as is everything which flows from it.
    It is the foundation of the socialist/totalitarian state.

    izlamo delenda est …

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