President Trumps Appointments Upon Returning to the WH Has Put the Fear of God into the Left – IOTW Report

President Trumps Appointments Upon Returning to the WH Has Put the Fear of God into the Left


Former President Trump, if elected, would build a Cabinet and White House staff based mainly on two imperatives: pre-vetted loyalty to him and a commitment to stretch legal and governance boundaries, sources who talk often with the leading GOP presidential candidate tell Axios.

Why it matters: Trump would fill the most powerful jobs in government with men like Stephen Miller, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Kash Patel — with the possible return of Steve Bannon. If Trump won in 2024, he’d turn to loyalists who share his zeal to punish critics, purge non-believers, and take controversial legal and military action, the sources tell us. More

32 Comments on President Trumps Appointments Upon Returning to the WH Has Put the Fear of God into the Left

  1. He needs to have Representative
    Dr. Brad Wenstrup of OH in either a DOD or medical advisory position. Representative Wenstrup represents rural folks in Ohio, literally saved lives as both a combat doctor AND a Representative under fire at a Congressional ballgame, and and so can help President Trump fill in the gaps in his knowledge of either or both and is not likely to be intimidated by anyone.

    Dr. Rand Paul would be great too.

    For the liberal head explosions if nothing else…

  2. But will the right people step forward and serve?

    That was one of the biggest problems in his first term.

    There are bunches of people RIGHT HERE with the intellectual credentials, philosophy and experience to work for him. But why would they? Setting foot in that town is a repulsive notion…

  3. Nice pipe dream, but butt we all know the far oh so far right will not be enough to elect him nor keep him out of prison. The motorcade to the prison will live in infamy.

  4. @ Geni….I don’t miss any of the Academy games….I’ve been to several Air Force Academy games, Football and Hockey, and used to play lacrosse against them in college….Who’s in line for the Cammanders in Chief trophy?….OK it’s Army….GO ARMY!…

  5. willysgoatgruff – Thanks for your reply – so it was Army ! Love the games from the service academies and have been to plenty at West Point. So great that you were able to play lacrosse against the Air Force Academy Cadets ! Thanks for sharing 😊

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