Price Check – IOTW Report

Price Check

Washington gas prices now highest in US after Democrat-backed carbon tax.

Gas prices in Washington State passed California as the most expensive in the country with many blaming a new carbon tax passed by local Democratic lawmakers.

According to data from AAA, the average price of a gallon of regular unleaded was at $4.89 on Monday in the Evergreen State, an increase from $4.81 the previous week.

h/t joe6pak

90 Comments on Price Check

  1. Washington is even more expensive than Hawaii! Our carbon tax just added an estimated 45-50 cents per gallon. And what is mind boggling is that the donkeys will probably run table in the next election. Oh yeah, I should mention we have Mail in ballots.












  3. I just went to WSeattle today from the “eastside.” At the Chevron next to the i90 on ramp…
    Regular $5.79
    Mid $5.89
    Premium $6.09
    Diesel $6.19

    Meanwhile, going from my town to another town approx 7 miles down the road is taking people close to 2 hours! Why? Road construction and the WSDOT has a traffic light timed wrong and it’s causing people fits.

    We’re saving the planet by burning all that gas sitting in traffic. The roads have big pot holes. It’s all money well spent. 🤦‍♀️

  4. How does paying a tax to the government lower carbon emissions?

    My workplace is still 20 miles away after a newly imposed tax. Local stores didn’t move any closer to me. Buses and trains still don’t go there either.

  5. Yep Joe6pak and illustr8 we are screwed in this state, it will keep going up every year. Right know the carbon tax is at about 40 cents per gallon and it is a open ended tax, it was touted as 10 cents a gallon. Another one of Jays lies.
    And of that is on top of the state tax on gas.

  6. Ohio gas tax gas tax $0.385 /gallon
    Federal Motor Fuel Tax Rates $.184 /gallon
    Total Tax State and Federal $.569

    Today in SW Ohio $3.16 /gallon
    4 days ago it was $3.27 / gallon

  7. The Canuckistan ASS HAMMER did the same thing at 12:01am this morning.


    I Already had My F&CK Trudeau Flag & My BETSY ROSS both hanging in front of the house to PISS OFF all my libtard Neighbours.

  8. So just how soon are the assholes in Olympia going to implement a belching and farting tax? The cheapest gas for me right now is my local Union 76 gas station which is fortunately right down the street from where I live. Regular is $.49 a gallon there, a year ago it was $3.40

  9. I remember paying 89 cents a gallon when I was a new driver. I thought that was high. Sometimes I had to look under and between the seats for change.

    One time I got the 84 cent petrol. Shell used to have this super low grade shit. It ruined my engine. Well, I ruined the engine by using it. My Chebby Celebrity. HAA!

    One time I went into passing gear in that Chebby and the top front motor mount shattered. I put a dual box end curved obstruction wrench in the place of the mount. It worked. I did take out the obstruction wrench when the car went to the knacker. The wrench is around here somewhere.

  10. Somewhere around 1987-8 I remember gas was 69 cents a gallon in the great state of IL. There was a big pricing war going on at the gas stations, and probably a glut of gas on the market. Funny thing was I begged my parents to buy me gas for a year as a birthday present because it was my biggest expense. I was driving around 150 miles a day, where and why who knows? but surely it was important as a teenager, LOL. They didn’t buy me any gas, ever.

  11. 87? I was driving then. Cali didn’t have no cheap gas. I remember my brother saying out loud if gas ever hit 2 bucks he was gonna’ quit driving.

    It’s not 6 bucks out here in the sticks… but it ain’t cheap either.

  12. Hell no I don’t compute. How old are you people? Also…if gas was that cheap in color TV days….the minimum wage must have been 30 cents an hour.

    79 cents for an entire GALLON?

    C’mon bro.

  13. Old Man Burr, I might be older than you, but I remember living in the Detroit area and during price wars gas was 9 cents a gallon. Granted those were aberrations, but that’s what I remember. I was also there for the Detroit riots. Hell of a time to be a kid.

  14. I love watching movies from the 70’s & 80’s like Smokey & The Bandit where they go by gas stations with prices listed.
    59.9- 69.9 -79.9 – 89.9 -99.9
    Always with the 9.9 suffix???

    I distinctly remember the 99.9 and stations not wanting to add a figure…

  15. 9 cents a gallon….. O.K. I’m out.

    However…..since you guys can remember all this…. what do you think the price of gas SHOULD be? Not what you want it to be, but looking over the years at the price increase in everything what should a gallon of gas be?

    Personally to me, maybe 2 bucks a gallon? You know, sorta like milk.

  16. Only reason why I remember it is because I had friends that worked at the Mobil station with a Shell station right across the street. We’d hang out at the station for a few hours a night doing stupid stuff to our cars and the Shell station was always lowering their prices 1 penny less than the Mobil station. I believe the lowest it got was around 62 cents, but that one summer the average prices around town was 69 cents, and of course 69 is a number you remember as a honry teen boy, hahaha.

  17. OK, I might have exaggerated, it would likely have been 9.9 cent a gallon. Still I’m sure of what I remember. What should the price be? Until the government is removed it’s impossible for laymen to place a price per gallon.

  18. OK Burr, A gallon of gas, food, booze, should all cost what energy is produced from their consumption.
    Like HP, BTUs, calories, etc.
    I should be able to travel on foot or via machine aided locomotion for 1 cent per mile.
    I should be able to achieve alcohol enlightened status at 25 cents a shot.

  19. It was 1.79 a gallon here when TRUMP was President.

    I remember in the O’bola years when my petrol and my wife’s petrol bill per month was higher, much higher, than our mortgage.

  20. Bush years gas was 2.50-2.75, Obama jacked that up to 3.75-4.00.
    Trump had it down to 2-2.50.
    The dickhead currently in charge wants it to be 8 bucks a gallon.
    Yet assholes still vote for that motherfucker!
    Make it make sense!

  21. Well Burr, Shakespeare said that “brevity is the soul of wit” yet I don’t think that applies to lyrics.
    Couldn’t these testosterone/drug liquor addled motorhead fucks come up with more than a three-word song?
    I mean damn, Foreigner tells a whole fucking story of a boy & his beloved automobile.

    Foreigner – 97/100
    Motorhead – 36/100

    Not even close…

  22. While listening to elevator music?

    You park in handicapped spaces and hang a tennis ball in your garage so you don’t drive through the kitchen.


  23. back in the good ‘ole Trump days it was $2.18 here in Deep Blue ‘legalized marijuhoochi starting today! land’
    today it ranges from $3.39 to $3.49 … the prices do not reflect the mandated tax price increases starting yesterday, July 1 … the prices reflect last week’s prices, not tomorrow’s

    next week’s gonna be a kick in the ‘nads

    all I can say to them is, “quit yer bitchin’; you voted for it”

  24. Newsflash: Daylight election theft was beta tested in Washington State.

    CDC reports the first laboratory-confirmed case of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the U.S. from samples taken on January 18 in Washington state and on the same day activates its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to respond to the emerging outbreak.

    Seattle and Portland are where The Party’s shock troops, you may know them as Antifa, began operations.

    Noticing a pattern yet?

  25. You still use lame phrases like “get tools out” for GTO and “fix or repair daily” for FORD.
    Not to mention the PONTIAC acronym!

    You fancy yourself as Steve McQueen in Bullitt, yet the cops laugh loudly at you when you pass by…

  26. Nov 30, 2005 — State Sen. Bill Finkbeiner on Tuesday said he is stepping down as Senate Republican leader after nearly two years in the joB

    This cocksucker right here is responsible for rescuing the 11 cent Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax after the Republican base had it dead. This worthless motherfucker is what I’m posting about when I refer to the Washington State Republican Party being controlled by the Bellevue Boy’s Club.

    Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner is a feminist author and the co-founder and executive director of MomsRising, a left-of-center activism group.

    That would be his wife. Left of center my ass. The bitch is a hard left radical. He isn’t alone in having a wife or concubine with similar credentials. The Republican establishment leadership is lousy with similar examples.

    KVI and KTTH Seattle’s supposed conservative radio stations are more or less nothing but the propaganda arm of the above. Yes, there are a couple solid hosts, but for the most part these stations are wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican establishment.

    Catching on yet?

  27. Oh! You….. YOU!!!…

    You flipped a golf cart on the green….

    You only got 3 gears cuz you cant count to 4….


  28. Well, I’m the guy who filled out 43 pages in tax forms this year so I’m assuming I’m the one with cash.

    Laps around the gokart courses or just tell me what rolling iron you’re currently pushing down the road so we can make it competitive.

  29. @JD
    I joined a WA Republican Woman’s Group group circa TeaParty days. I went to two meetings then quit. The first one was a clueless presentation on how they were going to update the WAGOP website. They wanted input but they really didn’t-just approval of the boring design they had.

    Second meeting was at a house in Mercer Island. It was a fundraiser and all the speakers did was bash the TeaParty. Really?!? I left. I had a nice lunch and got to see how the other half lived for an afternoon.

  30. I can remember a vacation we took in the early 1970’s. Dad was driving a rented motorhome from LA to NorCal and saw a sign for gas that said 29.9 CENTS per gallon (1970 or so). Dad said “29.9, that’s highway robbery”. I asked him what the usual cost was and he said 24.9 or so.

  31. I never paid attention to gas prices, then one day when I saw $.56/gal and figured I had better fill up because it ain’t gonna get any cheaper. I was right.

  32. I remember regular around .40/gallon in the early 70s.
    Then kissinger gave the arabs power. He did it, and nixon let him.
    After that we had the gas lines and only buying gas on even/odd days to match your tag.

  33. Oh, that “carbon” tax is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

    No government can do anything to remove carbon – carbon’s an element.

    Maryland’s had the VEIP program for over 20 years and hasn’t cleaned so much as a single cubic foot of air. It’s a scam to separate citizens from their money.

    We keep getting filthy, lying, amoral maggots in positions of power.
    Ever wonder why that is?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  34. I could fill the 10 gal. gas tank in my 61 VW camper minibus for $2.50 in 1972. Of course, min. wage was $1.65 an hr. And I was making $2.71 an hr. as a union janitor for Meier & Frank at Lloyd center in Portland. My minibus would go 200 miles per tank of gas and the gas gauge didn’t work so I always made sure that I got gas every 200 miles. My dad had a customer at his Shell station (sell Shell like Hell) who was a major realtor in the early 70’s in the Spokane area who always griped at him every Sat. morning about the price of the Super leaded gas at about .40 cents a gal. when he came in to fill up his big ass Chevy P/U and his boat with Super and could fill them both for under $20 on his way to CDA Lake. Those were the days. The cheapest price for gas that I ever saw was about .20 cents a gal. for regular leaded (the good stuff) in Portland, Oregon in 1972.

  35. In 1968, there was one station that always had gas a couple cents cheaper than any place else and their price was 14.9 for at least long enough for me to remember it 55/yrs later. It was also the first self-serve station I can remember.

  36. The summer after I graduated from high school in 1972, you could buy gas at cut-rate stations for 19.9 cents. Of course, I lived in the midst of several of the largest oil refineries in the country.

  37. Even in the 70’s there was a bumper sticker that said “The gas war is over – gas won.” With goober mint assistance, and voter fraud elected cockroaches that you can’t get rid of it’s now a blowout.

  38. When we bought our house – ’69 – there were over 1,000 independent refiners and 25,000 “wild caters” in Cal. 2 mi from our home there were 7 indendent refiners in SF Springs. So there was always a gas war. Anyone paying over $0.119 a gal was either lazy or illiterate! LATimes had a fold out middle page of section 1 with the stations fighting the war. There always was a war in either: Artesia, Bellflower, Buena Park, Cerritos,Lakewood , Long Beach, or Norwalk!

    Jimma killed both the Independent refiners and the Wildcaters with his regulations. Ronny undid them and a few independent refiners came back to life, none in So. Cal -If Bakersfield is not So Cal. Tosco not only came back to life but thrived after Ronny repealed Jimma’s reg – Which BTW made the plutocrat owners of the jets a whole lot richer. HESS Family. Jimma gave Hess “right of first refusal” for all oil pumped by wildcaters! Thanks to the Fed Govt Hess “cornered the oil market” in CAl!

    I voted for the – – – Jomma in ’76! NOt in ’80!

  39. ecp AT 10:19 PM
    How does paying a tax to the government lower carbon emissions?

    You’re right that the money is not doing a damn thing in and of itself to lessen whatever it is they are pointing at.

    So the obvious answer is that they make driving so expensive that you do less driving. They’re aiming at zero gasoline engines.

    Do they have alternatives to maintain a good life? Hell no. They don’t care at all about the suffering that will happen if they get their way. Not at all.

    Progressives are the enemy of life itself while claiming otherwise. They should off themselves if they were serious about too many people in the world being the problem.

  40. @ an ol exJarhead AT 5:45 PM

    Yeah, I voted for him as a 19 y.o. in my first election.

    Learned I was not like him at all and that he was trying to dismantle America back then. Panama canal, anyone? 55 mph highways? The shitiest, weakest cars ever made in America during his reign? Trying to convert us to the metric system?

    He was New World Order (America must die) before anyone knew what that was.


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