Primary Poll – IOTW Report

Primary Poll

Access comments and thumb up what is appropriate for your thinking.

Try not to act like a leftard and spoof your IP to drum up votes for your favored outcome.

85 Comments on Primary Poll

  1. Under NO circumstances will I EVER vote for Hillary or Bernie. I will not skip the election or vote 3rd party if my guy isn’t the GOP nominee either. I’m just happy that I won’t have to worry about the possibility of choking back vomit to vote for Christie or Jeb in November.

  2. I just bought a giant clothespin from a novelty store.
    I intend to wear it on my nose if my guy ain’t the guy when I pull the lever.
    Before I vote for either the Sea Hag or the Alter Kaker, I will volunteer to let someone with palsy shave my nads with an industrial strength weed whacker

  3. @Loco You need a new browser. Firefox is going the way of the dodo. After they fired their founder, CEO Brendan Eich for donating money to Prop 8 (against Gay Marriage) in CA 2 years ago (so much for free speech) their market share has gone south.

  4. I keep tryiing to drum up support for Vermin Supreme, but every site, including IOTW, seems intent on blocking his path to the Presidency. Vermin has a lot going for him – he looks better wearing a boot than Bernie, he is very specific in what free stuff he wants to give Americans, and I doubt that Vermin knows what a server is much less having a private one in his home.

    It’s pretty sad when an older guy wearing a boot for a hat is more realistic than the current crop of Democrat candidates.

  5. If this is a primary poll, why due you cite the term “nominee?” >>>

    I’m asking who you are voting for in the primary, and then further down it says *IF* so and so is the nominee I plan on doing this.

  6. @ Bud and LocoBlanco. I have not been able to use Firefox to access IOTWReport for months now. I must use IE. Whenever I use Firefox for IOTWReport my computer seizes soon thereafter.

  7. @Illustr8r can you recommend a better browser than IE or Firefox. Firefox used to work fine for me but lately it’s a pile of Pelosi. Either that or NSA is messin’ with me.

    Voted Cruz my 1st choice. Will happily vote for Donald if he is the nominee. Ohio’s primary is March 15th right before Buzzard Day.
    Any one other than Cruz/Trump I will get a 9 inch clothes pin from Great Big Stuff to wear to the polls.

  8. I have a huge problem of not understanding the logic of the following statement. “I like (insert your favored candidate), but I don’t think he can win, so I’m voting for (insert your alternate candidate), or not voting”.

    It seems a very defeatist statement. I wonder how that logic would apply to other things, like applying for a job, “I don’t think I’ll get it, so I won’t try.” Or perhaps, ‘I don’t think we can stop the Nazis, so we shouldn’t try.’ Or, in the case of the American Revolution, ‘I don’t think we can win against the most powerful British, so let’s not try.’

    Gads, what ever happened to the American ‘can do’ heart? Have the liberals smashed us into their own special enslavement?

    Staying home, is EXACTLY why Obama won in 2012. Even gutless, milk toast Romney would have been better than the oppression of spirit and freedom we’ve had under the rule of Obama and his horrid henchmen and robots. You who abstained voting really, “showed them!”

  9. Sam said “I have a huge problem of not understanding the logic of the following statement. “I like (insert your favored candidate), but I don’t think he can win, so I’m voting for (insert your alternate candidate), or not voting”……

    Simple. I want Hiallry to lose. No amount of can do attitude or hope is going to change what I see as her winning to Cruz in the general. As a primary goes, at this point I have had no input but can cleary see it lools like Trump so I give my support where it will make a differnce to more than just myself.

  10. I’ve been using Opera for a few weeks, and it works WAY better on this site than Chrome. Chrome kept slowing down and locking up due to Flash problems, even after I uninstalled and reinstalled it. FireFox was worse than Chrome. Though Opera does occasionally lock up, it is super-quick to shut down and restart (with all the same open windows), unlike the others.

  11. Opera is a great browser, especially if you have an older glitchy computer. I often use Chrome, simply because it remembers my junk across platforms, but since most of my online stuff lately is done with an Amazon Fire tablet, I usually only have its default Silk browser for my lazy self to use. iOTW pages freeze on my Fire sometimes, but I just click out & use the history feature to come back.

  12. I use IE, and sometimes when IOTWR starts freezing up and refusing to respond, I have to turn on Tracking Protection to even scroll to the next post. Once I do that, everything frees up, but then sometimes the content on a particular post won’t be visible and I have to turn it back off. I’d prefer not to use it at all, but sometimes when IOTWR begins seizing, if I don’t turn TP on, it will take IE down with it and I have to restart the browser. Then I lose stuff I have open in other tabs as well.

  13. Lazlo said: “I will volunteer to let someone with palsy shave my nads with an industrial strength weed whacker.”

    Wow man, that’s pretty brutal. I feel sorry for your nads already!

    Go Trump!

  14. I find the results so far (89 Cruz, 90 Trump) very interesting. If one only read the comments on this site, one would think that almost everyone here supports Trump. Looks like that is not the case and that the Cruz supporters are just quieter. Not sure if that is a good thing, but I can certainly understand the reluctance to engage and be insulted and accused of all manner of bad juju. 😉

  15. I favor Cruz, but am more than fine with Trump. Rubio is not somebody I would trust to rotate the tires on my lawnmower. I didn’t trust the smarmy little shitfinger before he pulled the Gang of Eight bullshit, and after there is absolutely no way I will ever cast a vote for him. Period. Full stop.

  16. Trump is the pick for 2016, just get behind it. No matter your opinion of the goof, he fcuking loves this country!

    I’ve never liked him, but when he came out and called Yeb low energy and I listened closer to how he deals with static, he’s what’s right for this place.

    However, I am also going to vote for Bernie David in about 2 weeks.

    Yes, I will be declaring a dumbfcuk card for the primaries. I live in IL, so voting is mostly a meaningless symbolic gesture. However, I want to make libturd college goofs lose their shit when they tally up popular votes and find the DNC gave the election to a criminal.

    No better way to make conservatives.

  17. @BFH
    Sorry. missed the “if.” I still think it’s unwieldy, though, in a titled “primary” poll. Mixed message.

    Vermin looks like trustworthy friends of mine. I’d vote for him if he were in the Ohio primary. No better no worse than any of these other insane clowns running for POTUS.

  18. I’m waffling between Trump and Cruz.
    I’m still in “wait and see” mode. I live in MD, so I suspect one or the other will stand out by the time I get to vote.
    I do like the “Wrecking Ball” aspect of Trump, though.

  19. Hey BFH – this was a really good idea. It exposes the fact that, for the most part, we have two powerful candidates that stand out in the IOTWreport zone, but very few (almost non existent) people will give their vote away if their preference doesn’t get the nomination.

  20. I’m interested in the people who threaten to either stay at home, or those 5 votes for a Democrat candidate if their guy doesn’t get the nomination. To those people, I urge then to track down archived copies of the Democratic debates, watch them, and then tell me with a straight face that either Hillary or Bernie are preferable to any of the Republican candidates. (Although I did like Jim Webb. How can you not like a guy who indicated his biggest enemy was a soldier who threw a hand grenade at him, and he killed him?)

    During the last Repubican debate, my impression was that any of the Republicans on the stage would be preferable to any of the Democrat candidates. Even Jeb Bush or Chris Christie would be preferable to either of the current clown acts the Democrats are proposing as President of the United States. Hillary Clinton is as corrupt and amoral a politician as we have seen in modern times, and Bernie Sanders is a complete fool.

    It’s fine to be passionate about your candidate. But once the nominee is chosen, it’s time to reset and analyze which candidate is the best for the country. I see no way either Clinton or Sanders can be any stretch of the imagination fit that bill.

  21. The splodey heads of the Elitists and the Cruz supporters in the media reached near crescendo after the Nevada primary.

    In the Chicago listening area ALL of the “conservative” talk show hosts with the exception of Michael Gallagher, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage programs are literally non-stop unpaid commercials for Cruz.

    Medved makes me want to totally puke the way he runs around with his RINO hanging out,

    I haven’t given Dennis Prager a chance after his first hit on Trump months ago.

    Guess I will have to go to F.M. radio and listen to rap crap to hear something that makes more sense than the Cruzbot talking heads.

  22. Romney is pulling a Dirty Harry Reid on Trump, Cruz, and Rubio. He must be trying to weasel his way in. If he’s given to us by the cartel, I will write in Pee Wee Herman and go on a four year Johnnie Walker Red binge . By then I should be sitting with FDR and Elenor fishing in the River Styx, with not a care in the world.

  23. I’m voting for Trump. Anyone who has the balls to sell steak at The Sharper Image has the balls to take down ISIS and the left.

    And I know a lot of us (me included) have had issues with his liberal past. But I genuinely believe he has and is doing a lot of soul searching about previous held liberal positions ever since all this liberal ????? has been thrown at him by people he thought liked him ever since he announced he was running for president. Do you really think The Donald would invite the Clintons to his wedding now after they have said rotten, untruths about him? No fricken way. He knows who his real friends are now. Plus, Trump never asked me for money. He sent me a Christmas card. ?

  24. We are having early voting this week in Georgia. I voted Tuesday morning and the traffic was steady, but no waiting. My better half went this afternoon and had to wait about 35 minutes to vote. I have a feeling the final turnout will be off the charts.

  25. “The “southern firewall” Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign has been building for months appears to be crumbling under the weight of Donald Trump’s staying power and Marco Rubio’s resurgence.

    The Cruz campaign told Yellowhammer Wednesday night they are pulling out of the Presidential Forum set to be held at Samford University in Birmingham on Saturday, and will not be holding any other events in Alabama ahead of election day. Senator Marco Rubio’s campaign, however, reiterated their commitment to the event.”

  26. I find it amusing that across the intardnet, seemingly all the Cruz supporters think every site is in the tank for Trump and all the Trump supporters think every site is in the tank for Cruz..

    Open your eyes and lighten the fuck up, people.. We on the right have many enemies, neither Cruz nor Trump are the enemy.. Focus, vote and concentrate fire on the fucktards on the left, they are the ones out to destroy us,, not Trump, not Cruz..

    And this voting for Hillary instead of who ever your man-crush is? You might be better off just changing party to the DNC now because you share more in common with the deranged leftists that you do with even the worst of the RNC shitheads..

  27. Unruly refugee
    February 25, 2016 at 8:05 pm

    Please take notice that if you bash either Trump or Cruz, you are insulting about half of community here. Save that shit for the communists.

    That has been the most disappointing part of this.

    I see people with common ground making enemies with each other with insults instead of presenting a good argument.

    ‘Don’t see it MY way?! Then F.U., you’re a dumbass poopy head!’

    Not good. Not helpful. Everyone here that has done that has lost ground as far as I’m concerned.

  28. David Duke said he cannot endorse Trump because of Trump’s stance on Israel.
    Trump repudiated the endorsement and says he doesn’t want it.

    So, what are you left with Woody?

    Say the words that if I am for Trump it makes me akin to David Duke.

    Say the words.

  29. been using the new Windows 10 (on a new computer) for the past 2/3 weeks, using Internet Exploder 11 & the new Microsoft Edge ….. Edge actually works a little better than Exploder & is less klunky … that being said … the ONLY website I’ve had trouble with (in either browser) is iOTWreport ….. it just keeps locking up ‘due to a long-running script’ …. it’s gotten to the point where if I want to post something longer than a sentence (like this one) I have to use WordPad & cut & paste because the site locks up between typing individual letters & I have to keep refreshing….. maddening!

    ….& yes, I cleared my history & ate my cookies

  30. BFH, I am left with the entertainment. It is entertaining to see how some react when such a post is made about Trump. Of course some post such things about Cruz and again it is entertaining.

    It is interesting how some folks take such backhand pseudo-endorsements. Why such a show of concern for this particular case? Is it because it is Trump or is there an unspoken rule that such items cannot be posted about any candidate?

    Just curious and pushing buttons is sometimes the only way to find out how some folks think.

    P.S. I am not suggesting that Trump supporters are racists or associated to David Duke, just that his comment was useful to see what reaction it would cause.

  31. I wouldn’t put too much into the Dem votes here.

    In case anyone’s forgotten, Lefty trolls come here all the time.

    I’m actually a bit surprised at how low the numbers are for the Dems.

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