Pro-Life Group Displays Nearly 200K Baby Socks at U.S. Capitol in Protest of Planned Parenthood Funding – IOTW Report

Pro-Life Group Displays Nearly 200K Baby Socks at U.S. Capitol in Protest of Planned Parenthood Funding

The Stream: A pro-life group, Students for Life, protested federal funding of abortion giant Planned Parenthood by displaying 196,543 baby socks at the U.S. Capitol Wednesday. Lawmakers were working on the federal budget at the time.

Students for Life collected the socks through their #SockIt2PP campaign and placed them on the lawn as a reminder of how many lives are taken by abortion through Planned Parenthood each year. Planned Parenthood reported that in 2013 their doctors performed almost 330,000 abortions.  more

4 Comments on Pro-Life Group Displays Nearly 200K Baby Socks at U.S. Capitol in Protest of Planned Parenthood Funding

  1. If 37.67 actors were killed every hour of the day, every day, do you think someone would be looking for a cure?

    Or perhaps the family members would rather stand up and shout from their Hollywood rooftops, “RIGHTS!!!111!!!1!!”

    Makes me sick.

  2. When I was going across town this to mow my parents grass, going thru downtown Spokane right by the federal Bldg. were a bunch of loony women protestors and other assorted nuts wearing pink pussy hats. One of them had a sign that said Miscegenation has killed more women than abortions, I wanted to shout something obscene to this dumb broad with this sign muttering to myself while driving by, bullshit. It’s probably not worth my while to challenge these fools but sometimes I just wish they’d realize just how stupid they really are. I’ve been confronted by these types before when I was rescuing at abortion clinics and believe me they become demonically angry when they’re confronted with the truth.

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