Progs moving in on Conservative states – IOTW Report

Progs moving in on Conservative states

CFP: Liberals from California and smaller blue states are exerting their influence on the electoral process in red states, determined to flip them to blue, and, by and large, are succeeding with the exception of the most recent election in Georgia’s 6th district where Democrats spent over $23 million, the most in the history of the House of Representative elections ever.

I’m still scratching my head trying to understand the insanity of 144,000 low information Americans from Georgia who voted for the Democrat candidate Jon Ossoff, a French President Macron look-alike, even though he did not reside in their district and did not have much of a platform.
No amount of cash, air time, dishonest claims, speeches, and other shenanigans Hollywood and progressives around the country engaged in, convinced the rest of the well-informed Georgia voters to elect Jon Ossoff.

Someone comically wrote that “Snowflakes are crying their Ossoff in their parents’ basements’” after the results of the election determined that Ossoff lost.

Trying to cajole young voters who had just graduated from high school, frustrated that conservative parents interfered with their attempts to reach potential 18-year old voters living in their parents’ basements, voters who have no idea who runs the political world and our lives into the ground, Democrats complained to the compliant press that parents were mean and unresponsive to their frequent calls and attempts to brainwash their offspring to vote for the Democrat candidate.

The socialist Democrat platform was well articulated by candidates like Bernie Sanders. Vote for collectivism and social justice, he told his young and naïve followers; when I lose, I can buy an expensive sports car and a second home in Vermont while you dopes are driving tin cans or old cars with the “Feel the burn” and “Coexist” bumper stickers on and lay your head down on your parents’ couch in the basement after a hard day’s work as baristas at Starbucks.

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16 Comments on Progs moving in on Conservative states

  1. These cockroaches start small at things like the school boards. Make sure that when someone from a blue state arrives and tries to run that they are contested every step of the way. At public debates demand their opinions of the first and second amendments and make sure you do your research so you can catch them in a lie. They ruined the place they came from but in their mind it wasn’t the policies that were the problem it was the people so they’ll try it again in a new state with new people. It’s the political Walking Dead.

  2. It is your obligation to argue with your children. Progressives don’t argue; they dictate to the naive which includes your children. One of the most insidious dictates progressives harp on, in many forms, is that you have no right to act in your own self interest.

    I do this with my kids and frequently my wife. I continually ask them how any of Donald Trump’s policies has affected them personally – they have no answer. I ask them why it is bad to seek to live they way they want, which may include amassing wealth, engaging in an occupation they want, or exercising control over their own property – they have no answer. We engage in historical anectdotes and discussions like “name a socialist/communist nation where all of its citizens have prospered or have a chance to prosper.” I ask if progressive cities or states are such utopias, why are these people moving here?

    Rational thought is not a progressive strong suit. Teach your kids.

  3. Unfortunately they are over running us here in the Dallas area, it makes me sick to see those out of state licence plates. The other day, on the local neighborhood web site some twit who moved here from CA said the answer to rats was to “live trap” them so as not to hurt them.

    They ruin the places they come from, drive away the jobs and run up the costs forcing them to move, then do the same damned things over again. Liberalism is the very definition of insanity.

  4. @justAl, we have the same problem in Houston. We have always had a large gay contingent but now the damn libs are pouring in with the same ideas that turned their states or cities into shitholes. Not to mention the sad fact that were afflicted with the likes of Sheila Jackson lee and al green. fortunately Houston proper is surrounded by a number of smaller municipalities which are properly administrated. Houston itself doesn’t have but around 2 1/2 million people where the Houston area has about 10 million and we have the bastards surrounded. My bride retires in three years and we’re getting the hell out of here.

  5. @JustAl; this is a great example of how you answer them. Ask them what are they going to do with the rats? Are they going to release them in the wild where they’ll have more young and gravitate back to the city where the living is easier? Is this guy going to take them in until they die of old age to make sure that they don’t reproduce yet live a full life? This is where they can be stopped in their tracks when they realize that “holy shit Toto, we’re not in California anymore” and drop his progressive/liberal mentality.

  6. Progs like spending other peoples money, not there’s. After they got their Ossoff kicked I doubt if they try it again.

    As for all the states California has screwed up, do the math, we are quickly coming up short of Californians.
    We have a neighbor that just moved in down the road. They’ve been there three weeks and have a sign on their fence “Stop Killing Rattle Snakes”. The Michigan plates are still on their cars.

  7. Mr. Illustr8r and I will move from WA state within the next 5 years or so. We have to stay for career reasons but we’ll go when we get closer to retirement. Our options are Montana, Idaho or Wyoming. I feel like we have to up with our voting records to assure the locals we won’t ruin where they live by how we think. We are assuredly red staters escaping a crazy blue state!

    “Will the last conservative out of Seattle, please turn off the LED sustainably green lightbulb?

  8. Started in Oregon in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Now the state is solid blue from Eugene north to Portland Rest of the state (south and east) was solid red, but that is changing. Now can’t go anywhere in the state without seeing CA license plates of the equity immigrants. More and more boomers are retiring and moving out of the hell they wrought . Gen x ers and millennials can collect welfare anywhere, might as well move someplace nice. Oregon is a haven for homeless and a sanctuary state. We have 2 ultra-liberal senators, and 3 out of our 4 congressmen are flaming progressives. State legislature not much better. Governor is a lesbian hag who gained office by dubious means. What a mess.

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