Project Veritas Update: NYT forced by court to answer Veritas’ defamation allegations – IOTW Report

Project Veritas Update: NYT forced by court to answer Veritas’ defamation allegations

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10 Comments on Project Veritas Update: NYT forced by court to answer Veritas’ defamation allegations

  1. Relentless is his middle name.
    Arrogant people are so proud of what they are doing they tell you everything when they think no one else is listening. So why not put it on record for them.

  2. One thing that really sets me off is when people complain that PV uncovers corruption etc and nothing comes of it and put that on PV. fuck the bastards, that is not PV’s purview or purpose, that is the legal system’s purpose. It isn’t a reflection on PV, it is further evidence that PV is right about the corruption being endemic and systemic.


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