Proper Cold Weather Etiquette – IOTW Report

Proper Cold Weather Etiquette

Mike Loftus has some suggestions for how to properly greet others who are experiencing this week’s cold snap with you. We’re all in this cold together, so let’s try to not to make it any harder on each other than we have too. Watch

33 Comments on Proper Cold Weather Etiquette

  1. Dude is a sandy vagina, and probably a confirmed bachelor.

    It was 0f here a few days ago. Today it was 16F, a heatwave, and I was walking about in my shirtsleeves. For a minute or two.

    Russians must think we are all queers.

    Cold is -19F, like it was here some years ago.

  2. “some suggestions for how to properly greet others who are experiencing this week’s cold snap with you. We’re all in this cold together, so let’s try to not to make it any harder on each other than we have too”



  3. Well the first thing you gotta do is invite all the women in the hood with the big keesters over for the night. They generate a lot of heat at night. Sometimes it’s tricky chasing their husbands away. But it can be done.

  4. If he tried that nasty snark in Minnesota when it was -30 degrees, he’d get tossed into a snowbank and his frozen body wouldn’t be found until April when the snow started melting!


  5. -30F? We aren’t talking degrees of frost?

    Fuck that. Negative anything F is uhh… 0F we get out the heavy shit. -19 we get out the puppy boots and the tulup coats.

    Tulup coats are made of sheep. I’m not sure what puppy boots are made of.

    Hehe, -30 isn’t unusual, though not yearly, for Minnesota! – Claudia

  6. My wife is from the southern edge of Siberia where it sometimes gets -50F. She says she’s never been colder than when it gets into the upper 30’s here on the upper Gulf Coast of Texas. It’s going to be 19F here, tonight. That’s cold enough for me and her.

  7. I spent a month in Fairbanks AK from the end of Jan. to the beginning of Feb – TDY courtesy of the Air Force. It got down to -35F at night. Brr! It got up to zero one day, everyone was out taking a walk.

  8. From 273K to 295K isn’t that much difference in energy. So WHY are we so shocked by the difference between freezing and room temperature?

    My son’s answer: we’re weak! 🤣

  9. During the Winter of 1968-69 we had an extremely snowy and exceedingly cold snap with at least 5 to 6 feet of snow on the ground and temperatures in Jan. 69, 20 to 30 degrees below zero for a period of 3 weeks or so. I was 15 and almost 16 at the time and one particularly numb nuts, bitter cold Saturday on a beautiful bright blue sky sunshiny day a whole bunch of the neighbor boys got together to play football in the snow at Manito Park. It was a great day wearing high top Converse freezing our asses off and just having a ball. We played for about an hr. As long as we kept moving, we were fine and it’s only something bored, indoors, cooped up 15-16-year-old boys would do to have fun and still talk about it nearly 55 years later. We were 15 to 20 degrees below zero last Saturday, it was so cold my car wouldn’t start so we stayed indoors, and we waited till Sunday to do our Saturday chores when it warmed up a little bit. And today, supposedly we’re supposed to get 8 to 12 inches of snow (I’ll believe it when I see it) in the Spokane and N. Idaho area. Come on Spring, you can’t come soon enough and we’re still 2 and a half months from opening day of baseball season. Go Dodgers and Mariners!

  10. Temperature Drop Milestones
    Degrees (Fahrenheit)

    65 Hawaiians declare a two-blanket night

    60 Californians put on sweaters (if they can find one)

    50 Miami residents turn on the heat

    45 Vermont residents go to outdoor concerts

    40 You can see your breath
    Californians shiver uncontrollably
    Minnesotans go swimming

    35 Italian cars don’t start

    32 Water freezes
    Richard Simmons puts on long pants

    25 Ohio water freezes
    Californians weep pitiably
    Minnisotans eat ice cream
    Canadians go swimming

    20 DemocRats begin to talk about the homeless
    New York city water freezes
    Miami residents plan vacation further south

    15 French cars don’t start
    Cat insists on sleeping in the bed with you

    10 You need jumper cables to get the car going

    5 American cars don’t start

    0 Alaskans put on T-shirts

    -10 German cars don’t start
    Eyes freeze shut when you blink

    -15 You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo
    Arkansans stick tongue on metal objects
    Miami residents cease to exist

    -20 Cat insists on sleeping in pajamas with you
    Republicans actually do something about the homeless
    Minnisotans shovel snow off the roof
    Japanese cars don’t start

    -25 Too cold to think
    You need jumper cables to get the driver going

    -30 You plan a two week hot bath
    Swedish cars don’t start
    Politicians actually put their hands in their own pockets

    -40 Californians disappear
    Minnisotans button top button
    Canadians put on sweaters
    Your car helps you plan your trip south

    -50 Congressional hot air freezes
    Alaskans close the bathroom window

    -80 Hell freezes over
    Polar bears move south
    Green Bay Packer fans order hot cocoa at the game

  11. After decades of working outside in cold places, (Korea, N. Dakota, Northern NM, Colorado to name a few),I found if you dress right and keep moving you will be okay. It’s the wind that will fuck you up faster than you realize.

  12. Down here in BAJA CANADA (aka Arizona) it’s easy to distinguish between locals and snowbirds. At 60 degrees you will see locals wearing long pants long sleeve shirts and maybe even a jacket. Snowbirds in short sleeve shirts, shorts, and the dead give away SANDALS WITH SOCKS!

  13. I said earlier today that I’d believe it when I see it, well we’re getting a lot of snow today at least what they forecast between 8 to 12 inches and still snowing. But at least it’s getting warmer and will turn to rain by the weekend with freezing rain predicted for Friday. I hate freezing rain worse than snow. And I’m extremely glad that I’m retired from driving as the roads are turning into a giant Charlie foxtrot this afternoon. The Headstart at Spokane Falls Comm. College where my daughter works was smart enough to call for a snow day yesterday afternoon in anticipation of this.

  14. geoff – When it’s 34 and raining I’ve said MANY times that I’d rather it be 10 degrees lower and snowing than to put up with this crap! My oldest daughter is a teacher in a Catholic school (K – 8) and they called a snow day due to the cold (wind chill factor at -15)

  15. I hate freezing rain and white-knuckle driving, it’s the absolute worst no matter how slow that you can drive. One time in the Winter of 1972 when I lived in Portland, and they had freezing rain it was so slick that I couldn’t even stand up without falling on my butt. After work I had to drive back to my houseboat where I was living out past the St. John’s Bridge on Multnomah Slough very slowly at 10 to 15 mph. in my 55 Chevy station wagon with no snow tires, it took me nearly 2 hrs. to go 10 miles or so.

  16. True story – about 73 or 74 coming back to the Westside burbs from a night of drinking in downtown Cleveland, it was snowing like crazy. Three in the morning and nobody was out. I took my 67 VeeDub beetle on the high level bridge and got it up to about 45MPH (floored) literally surfing in a couple of feet of snow! It was just like driving the boat in lake Erie – you didn’t really steer as much as you anticipated and guided it down the middle of the freeway. I will never forget that ride!


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