Proud LEGAL immigrant has a message for Biden – IOTW Report

Proud LEGAL immigrant has a message for Biden

He’s MAGA.
Deal with it.

10 Comments on Proud LEGAL immigrant has a message for Biden

  1. We are the MAGA, the mighty, mighty MAGA,
    And everywhere we go, people want to know,
    Who we are. So, we tell ’em.

    We are the MAGA, the mighty, mighty MAGA,
    And everywhere we go, people want to know,
    Who we are. So, we tell ’em.

    We are the MAGA, the mighty, mighty MAGA !

  2. Gee, another bright, CLEAN, articulate black man, I guess Obama isn\’t the only one.

    Here\’s the problem, for every immigrant like this who has learned about our system of government, is proud to be an American, and believes his presence will only enhance/benefit the country, there are 10 (maybe 20, who knows?) other immigrants (mostly illegal) who are here strictly for the freebies and are willing to participate only to the extent that their largesse remains steady.

    Actually, I feel sad for guys like him. Everything he read about our country before he came here has turned out to be a pipe dream. Sure, it was not always this way but he better get used to half the country hating him because he is not a sheep and thinks for himself.

  3. This guy has fallen into the same trap of discussing January 6th like it was an overthrow of the government attempted by MAGA supporters. We must refuse to discuss this on the terms of the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that really did instigate and carry out the activities of J6!

  4. joe6pak

    That’s why I mentioned above this sort of thing is now a career path for the guy. He’s monetized it.
    January 6 was set up and orchestrated by the Democrats. And our side took the bait. Period, end of story.
    I should say this guy is having a positive impact so by all means, carry on.

  5. Juan is right, if those commie bastards try to pull that same election fraud and counting bullshit again, it just might get bloody this time.
    There just might be citizens following these commies to their homes and take it from there!

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