PSA- Why You Might Not Want To Ride in a Car Like This – IOTW Report

PSA- Why You Might Not Want To Ride in a Car Like This


See Why HERE

20 Comments on PSA- Why You Might Not Want To Ride in a Car Like This

  1. I’ve pulled a few dead bodies from car wrecks, it’s indeed a miracle she survived. Automotive safety features are designed to protect the occupants when they are in an upright position with the seat belts engaged. Please advise your young friends and family to keep this in mind: at sixty miles an hour you are nothing but a delicious soft, squishy projectile surrounded by a thin, crunchy sheet metal shell.

  2. Lost in all of this is that her boyfriend almost killed them both because he was following the vehicle in front of them to close, and/or he was allowing something to distract him.

    If you can’t stop fast enough to avoid ramming the vehicle in front of you if they jump on their brakes, you are either following way to close, not paying attention, or both.

    Only very rarely is it truly a traffic “accident”, there is virtually always negligence involved.

  3. I’m a brake tapper too. If they don’t get the hint, once had a Dodge van, you could hit the emergency brakes and let them off immediately.
    At speed and with no load, you would leave a cloud of smoke but slowing was slight. The look of panic was priceless.
    I miss that van.

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