Psychotic Violent Tranny Identified – IOTW Report

Psychotic Violent Tranny Identified

18 Comments on Psychotic Violent Tranny Identified

  1. The angry, vicious, paranoid perverts actually think the humans are out to get them?

    Most humans (I’m assuming, here) just want the angry, vicious, paranoid perverts to stick with other angry, vicious, paranoid perverts and leave us alone.
    There simply are NO pick-ups filled with Christians tooling around San Francisco shooting perverts – doesn’t happen.

    A case of mass hysteria among the perverts?

    Yo! Perverts! It is perverts killing Christians and other assorted humans, not the other way around! Where have you been? ewww … don’t answer that …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The left always wants more gun laws to stop violence. Declare transgenderism a mental defect and they will already not be allowed to legally purchase a firearm under current requirements.

  3. “There simply are NO pick-ups filled with Christians tooling around San Francisco shooting perverts”.

    You say that like it would be a bad thing…..

    Using “it’s” own words, “if you push an animal into a corner”, which is what these pervs are doing, well, you gets what you gets.

  4. Anonymous,
    Just stating it as a fact.

    And, if I had my druthers, I’d druther the ragheads took on the perverts – but, of course, they have the same father.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Gender dysphoria is the actual medical term and the definition is: A persistent unease with having the physical characteristics of one’s gender, accompanied by strong identification with the opposite gender and a desire to live as or to become a member of the opposite gender.

    Oh and btw Fatty Arbuckle ….enter a bathroom that one of my teenage daughters are in and if you haven’t had the frank and beans removed yet….I will gladly take care of that for you….no charge.

  6. I’m sure it’s a nasty job having to watch the videos these weirdos post, but I appreciate those that do and report who the more deranged among them are to the authorities.

    I just hope law enforcement does everything within its power to discourage this particular deviant from hurting anyone.


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