Question Asked and Answered – IOTW Report

Question Asked and Answered

Yesterday, I asked “Who will be the first Republican candidate for President to call the left out on their love of all things destructive to society?

Ted Cruz and Flag

It hasn’t taken long to get an answer.


6 Comments on Question Asked and Answered

  1. And the blacks are being used as tool to destroy civil society using victimism as a means to justify a revolution.

    As an aside, these dudes have probably never have been vindicated by ( or even know of) a caring father. So violence and a social “make things right” is a means to expend their hatred toward any other authority ( i.e.cops) because of the void experienced early on.

    So in deep, they are probably asking; “Who am I?”

    They live in a jungle atmosphere.
    We hope from afar, they’ll “get it”.

    Without cops, our whole atmosphere will turn ghetto, and a jungle.

    Another note skin color aside, it is satans’ plan to reduce the world to a wilderness.

  2. Those cop-killers are doing what they think their president wants them to do. If that’s not what the bastard wants, surely he would have told them by now to stop killing cops.

    0bama and Holder both belong in jail for life.

    Cruz speaks the truth, and congress ignores him. He needs more power. Cruz – Trump !

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