Quiz: What’s Wrong With These Family Portraits Published By Macy’s? – IOTW Report

Quiz: What’s Wrong With These Family Portraits Published By Macy’s?

There are so many answers.

The charge Macy’s had to answer to was probably not the first answer that came to your mind.

No, it wasn’t the same sex interracial couple with the matching Papa Bear shirts.

No, it wasn’t that white families are the only ones with dogs.

Yes, it was that the single mother was black. THAT’S RACIST!

(And if the single mother was white they’d be saying that Macy’s was reluctant to honor the shtruggles that black women throughout the country deal with during the holidays. You can’t win.)

h/t heteroNorma

41 Comments on Quiz: What’s Wrong With These Family Portraits Published By Macy’s?

  1. I don’t think she is a single mom. I assumed her baby daddy was in the pen doing 10-20 for armed robbery.

    I first thought the problem was no lesbian family. I am sure that is a problem but didn’t go far enough up the food chain to warrant a mass outcry.

  2. Haha! I worked for a huge bank. Every year HR would issue a benefits guide or handbook.

    The cover had drawn characters with different thought balloons. All the white people were thinking things like. How do I get reimbursed for college tuition?

    The 2 black characters were asking. How many sick days do I have? How do I get a loan from my 401k?

    We all got replacement guides that year.

  3. Macy’s apologized and “corrected” their family pajama page. Here’s the funny thing. They still don’t have a black woman with a black man/family. The woman who is modeled with a black man is the same woman modeled with an Asian(probably). So they must not have had time to go find a black model? Now they do use the same white parents for 3 separate families. There is one glaring problem photo on the website though: The white family with 5 kids. None of them obviously adopted from Africa, that’s got to be twisting the global warming overpopulation crowd off.


  4. It would have been nice to see Macy’s attack the SJW’s by stating that the picture shows three well-dressed, well fed and happy children in a family led by a single, successful black woman and asking if the ones calling Macy’s racist, were in fact racist themselves by implying that single black women are incapable of being a success and raising happy, well adjusted children. They shouldn’t have given them an inch and if they threatened a boycott, Macy’s could have made this a advertising campaign that could have been wildly successful.

  5. There is one thing lower than parents who use their children as props to advance their political agenda. That would be entities that piggyback on this exploitation.

    If you do a thorough search of The Oregonian you will see a striking similarity between many photos of the Hart children (the ones whose two “mothers” drove them off a cliff in California once they knew that the authorities could no longer look the other way and continue to cover up for their child abuse.) Here is a sample: https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2018/04/hart_family_deaths_show_–_aga.html

    Macy’s will go the way of JC Penney and Sears and it will be their incorporation of inculcation of progressivism into their business model, instead of focusing on their core deliverable, that will take them there.

  6. I could just say screw Macy’s. Who cares? I gave up when Marshall Field’s was bought by them. But it’s closer to home. I was in the check out line in a small local grocery store last night. The checker, a twenty something, was holding up the line further by discussing, with the customer in front of me, how she would have her nails done for Christmas. She’s thinking of blue/silver, but that might be too ‘Jewish’ and she doesn’t want to ‘offend’ anyone. I told her to go with red and green, wish everyone a Merry Christmas and get it over with. She doesn’t like the red/green color combination. Oy vey!

  7. You know, because we are all so fed up with this constant race baiting crapola from the left, the right often lashes out and can sound “racist” in response.

    You’re supposed to look up one day and suddenly realize that ads for Macy’s have had black single mothers in them (very different from 50 years ago) but you really don’t notice anymore.

    That isn’t going to happen because THE LEFT WON’T LET IT!!!
    They have to dissect and analyze and draw attention and point and accuse.
    So the response will naturally be, “go f*ck yourself and your tiresome agendas.”

    it’s a shame, really.

    It’s like when you realize a relationship is in need of repair, so you plan a wonderful day up in the mountains with a picnic basket, and the chick just can’t let the day unfold without constantly saying, “isn’t this nice, isn’t this wonderful, isn’t this special, isn’t thi”

    SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!!!!!!! You’re ruining it!!!!!!!!!

  8. About six months ago Macy’s had a weekend ad with an all white family.
    I called their ad agency to report a counterfeit Macy’s ad.
    They NEVER have all white families in their ads.

  9. Has anyone noticed how many blacks are on TV commercials and other ads lately? I’m all for depicting a diverse America, but you’d think America was over 50% black if you based your guess from watching TV. The number of mixed race couples on TV is simply unrealistic and it’s obviously being done to shape attitudes of young people. It’s also popular to make white people look like simpletons by having black people talk down to them in many ads and don’t get me started about how white males are made to look stupid and irrelevant by having women and even children degrade their husbands and fathers. I’m sick of the constant brainwashing techniques.

  10. I see they avoided the inflammatory, Black man White woman.
    Black women really hate that, unless the White woman is fat and ugly.
    Mexicans have pretty much scooped all those green cards up.

  11. The only issue to be had is the ridiculous interracial gay dudes in the upper right corner.

    The single black mom is realistic and I thought a sweet touch because there are a lot of single moms and it isn’t always because they’re loose or looking for baby daddies. Sometimes it’s just a dead spouse or a deadbeat dad.

  12. Oh and Engelburka!
    Warn me next time that it’s minnie riperton….. For pete’s sake! It’s like, like, aw shit……terrible!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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