Rand Paul Highlights Vote Fraud, Predicts Big Tech Will Censor Him; Big Tech Censors Him – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Highlights Vote Fraud, Predicts Big Tech Will Censor Him; Big Tech Censors Him

Summit News: Senator Rand Paul found himself on the end of a dreaded Twitter red label Sunday after he highlighted evidence of voter fraud in multiple states where President Trump “lost”.

Paul pointed to reported “data dumps” that were carried out in the dead of the night and early hours of the morning in four states, linking to a an article titled “Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020.”

The Senator predicted that Twitter would censor his post, which it did soon after he posted it: more

19 Comments on Rand Paul Highlights Vote Fraud, Predicts Big Tech Will Censor Him; Big Tech Censors Him

  1. So your law care service keeps robbing you, why do you keep using them??? So your car repair center keeps fixing things that you know aren’t broken, yet you keep going back. You keep turning and going down the same road over and over every few days. just to end up lost again. There is a fix… there’s no education in the second kick of a mule.

  2. I just heard from Epoch Times that Zuckerberg paid millions to PAY peeps to help steal the election.
    Wonder if Twitter (Dorsey) helped out monetarily as well?????

  3. “I just heard from Epoch Times that Zuckerberg paid millions to PAY peeps to help steal the election”

    Sound like he’s brazenly admitted it. Bragging about it. That moron just might have secured his very own spot up against the wall for the firing squad.

  4. In response to Brad’s post above, I just watched/read the latest post over at http://www.smalldeadanimals.com, in which James O’Keefe was able to dial into a conference call at CNN this morning and let the owner of CNN know that Project Veritas will be releasing a dump of phone calls from CNN insiders since July, in which they discuss subverting the election. The dump is to start at 7:00 pm Eastern time and is to continue until at least this Friday (this is my take). Yes, we do live in interesting times. I agree with JellyBean about the Insurrection Act.

  5. Millions were paid by wealthy leftists to throw the election
    Voting machines altered the ballot count by the millions
    Corrupt government officials turned their backs on fraud
    etc etc etc

    Bill Barr: We have found nothing prosecutable!

  6. Be aware.

    Right now on social media and on blogs, there are liberals commenting on them trying to convince people there’s nothing to see here, there’s no fraud, we are all crazy, biden is a real president, etc. They all follow the same pattern because they are paid to make comments.

    This same thing happened after they passed 0bamacare.
    Paid liberal trolls came around to all the sites and social media and made comments to ‘debunk’ 0bamacare ‘rumors and lies’.

  7. MJA

    It’s much worse than that. We normally listen to Rush in our shop in the mornings. The news breaks are full of “nothing to see here, Joe won, Trumps gotta save some money for his legal defense fund after he leaves office”. It ridiculous.

  8. Brad But the creepier thing is that people only do it because they’re being paid. And it’s only vote threads. Much like the 0bamacare liberals only showed up on the 0bamacare threads but never on the threads where we were viciously trolling 0bama, himself.
    The key word was ‘0bamacare then’ and now it’s ‘vote fraud.’ LOL.

  9. @Brad- save the .50ammo. use det cord for executions. Three to four wraps around the neck is all that’s needed and a roll is 1000 feet. Plenty of it exists and it’s fast-around 6400 meters/sec.


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