Rapper Who Was Invited To White House By Obama Tweets Out Threat – IOTW Report

Rapper Who Was Invited To White House By Obama Tweets Out Threat

Dear white people if Trump wins young niggas such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go. Just so you know.

— War Machine III (@TefPoe) March 16, 2016

In December, 2014, President Obama invited several youth activists to the White House to discuss #Ferguson, police brutality, race and more.

A day after meeting with President Obama, some of those very activists—Ashley Yates, Tef-Poe, T-Dubb-O, James Hayes, Jose Lopez, and Phillip Agnew—held a conference call to discuss their feelings following speaking with the president.


103 Comments on Rapper Who Was Invited To White House By Obama Tweets Out Threat

  1. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this is, for sure, going to backfire on them. For once the Left is behind the curve on their strategy. What he and others like him are proposing is so “Occupy” and we’ve all been there, done that. We’re movingalong.org. They are Exhibit ‘A’ for why Trump will win.

    Thank you, Leftists.

    (I read this morning the Queen of England is not driving the 22 miles from Windsor to London to meet with Obola. He has to go to her place next month, instead. She apparently also made it known she does not want him addressing the EU, meddling in their affairs.)

  2. i wonder if the others on this site share this feeling

    when encountering black people on the street or even in the workplace, i am more and more finding myself wondering what is in their heads

    it’s a shame to react this way, but i am being honest with what has become a regular reaction

    i wonder if they are angry, hate me for being white, share in the hatred for the cops and want them dead, etc

    i suppose you could call this racism, but i feel it is becoming a natural and rational thought process based upon these past years under obama

    i also wonder if i am falling into the trap set by the hate-mongers who deserve to go to hell as some of the worst people walking the planet

    tell me where i’m wrong

  3. Why doesn’t the GOPe “smart set” spend the time, money and effort into getting info like this out into the mainstream? Where was any of this vitriol, hatred and spitefulness when it could have been useful–like against OBAMA? Where was the blacklist of Hillary supporters after she lied about the deaths of Four Americans in Benghazi? I truly despise those creeps–misplaced anger and fucked values.

  4. Those clowns are notoriously bad shots. A person is actually safer if they are the intended target as the vast majority of the time it is a bystander or someone killed by a stray bullet than the one they are shooting at.
    Between scrupulously avoiding using the sights and ‘limp wristing’ their pistols they have no concept of what will get hit and their pistols jam a lot.
    I have never seen any of those fools down at the range.

  5. Dear young niggas such as yourselves (and any others of any hue) hell-bent on inciting riots near the homes of the civilized, you can expect to look down to see that your dicks have been shot off just before the next round takes you in the top of the head. It’s called self-defense. Just so you know.

  6. Dear Feral Savage Youts;


    I’m really skairt!

    You gonna burn down Chicago?
    St. Louis?
    New Yawk?

    Hear ME now!


    If you filthy fuckin feral savages want to burn the cesspools, go ahead on.

    Light a single fuckin match near America, and you die.

    I do not fear you. You do not intimidate me. Yeah, the media and academia are pissing their pants, but mine are dry.

  7. Well young black fella, mostly we’ve been minding our own business. But if you do get up the nerve to venture out to our neck of the woods, things aint likely to turn out like you are a thinkin. Watch the movie “Next of Kin”, that’ll give you some idea what will be a comin your way.

  8. Oh my god, these comments are hilarious! You people couldn’t be whiter if you were the cast of Friends covered in mayonnaise.

    I’m just curious: Are you this racist around your families, friends and co-workers? I mean, do you stand around the water cooler at work just casually commenting about how stupid black people are and that you’ve got a loaded gun at home and you can’t wait for those darkies to start some shit?

    Or do you hide this side of yourselves most of the day because you know how unacceptable it is in most of society to say stuff like this? It must be such a release to come here and anonymously talk shit about black people like big Internet tough guys.

    I’m sure whatever answer you give will be just as entertaining as everything you’ve written so far. Don’t ever change (because I know you never will).

  9. James Webb — You aren’t familiar with the guys and gals here. All they are saying is: Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing. It’s one thing to say — which they are not saying — that we will take the fight to those who openly declare war on us, and being sensibly prepared if the fight comes to us.

    Have you ever been within even a block of gunfire? You would hustle your bum down to the nearest gun store, too.

  10. Tim: I know you haven’t, that’s why I’d rather laugh at than illuminate you.

    eternal cracker p (if that is your real name): Didn’t call anyone anything, just asked if you do it at work. Saying a word is not the same thing as calling someone that word.

  11. Laugh cuz you got nuthin.

    Make believe “racism” like that Univision maggot claiming not wanting illegal invading alien rat-people in your country is “racist” instead of common sense. Like the dissimulators who claim that not wanting to have your head removed by some filthy fucking feral savage izlamic is “racist” instead of a sound security policy.

    Keep laughing.

  12. Abigail Adams: I’m quite familiar with the folks here, I just usually read the comments and laugh without commenting but I’m bored so I thought I’d have some fun and engage them.

    And I’m not anti-gun by any means but “I guess this guy doesn’t realize that this is what white middle America is waiting for” doesn’t sound so much like “Don’t mess with me and I won’t mess with you” as it does “I can’t wait for a race war!”.

    Nobody’s answered my question though: Does anyone actually talk like this in polite society or is it just here that you let loose?

  13. @James Webb, from what I can see, it’s black people who see everything through a prism of black vs. white that are the racists. That’s not a white man in that picture up there making threats against black people.

    People here are just saying that if black people want to really start on us with the violence we are prepared to fight back,

    We do not want a race war – but if you want to bring it ….

  14. I’ve never encountered “polite society” like at Man’s Country, or whatever you’re referring. This is the way I speak. I am retired and have no use for obfuscation and dissimulation.

    And I’m guessing that your name isn’t “James Webb” and that you’re hiding behind a pseudonym for reasons better left unknown.

    You can stuff your self-righteousness up your ass, if there’s room with your head in it. You obviously live in a social bubble and are insulated from the vicissitudes or ordinary existence.

    Good for you.

  15. It starts out: “Dear white people”

    He made this race based conflict.

    Own it for once instead of slapping or threatening us and being upset when you get slapped or threatened back.

    Stop your racism and you’ll see a better world.

    But, that’s not really what you want. Feeding your race-based hate of whitey is in a frenzy these days.

    So, fuck off with your hate whitey racist self.

  16. Gladys: Everyone who sees everything through a prism of black vs. white is racist but pointing to a racist black guy doesn’t make someone who uses terms like “illegal invading alien rat-people” and “filthy fucking feral savage izlamic” any less racist.

    “I guess this guy doesn’t realize that this is what white middle America is waiting for”. Didn’t say you all want a race war, but the guy who said that does.

  17. If this was brought up in “polite society”, is it really all that polite? Whether it’s tuxedos and gowns at a ball or at the local church, it’s provocative to threaten someone.

    I would definitely say all my posts here in THAT polite company. The kind of company this subject is seriously brought up in.

  18. Tim: Google tells me Man’s country is a gay bath house in uptown Chicago. I don’t know what you encountered there but you talking about shoving things in my ass makes me nervous.

    And the fact that you’re an old man explains a lot. And why would I make up a fake name? It’s not like I’m worried you’re gonna drive all the way from Chicago to shoot me. But you got me, my real name is Lance Thundercock. Happy?

  19. “You people couldn’t be whiter”

    As if being “whiter” means something inherently bad. But we know your working definition is especially concocted to demean the white race. You’re full of hate.

    You probably think your own prejudice is OK. Justified somehow.

    Your racism is part of the problem, but you don’t see that.

  20. Is the word ‘nigger’ in my lexicon?
    Of course it is.
    It is a word that has history and is defined.

    Do I use it in polite company?
    Occasionally, but not gratuitously.

    This peaceful, juvenile gentleman refers to himself as a nigger.
    Wouldn’t it be racist if I choose to call him something else?

    I mean, if we call Bruce Jenner a man you leftists go ballistic.

    Act like a nigger, call yourself a nigger, then by god you are indeed a nigger.
    Good on ya!

  21. Hmm. Threatening violence for a political aim. I know there is a word for that. Starts with a “t”, ends with “errorist” I believe. Heard it a lot after 9/11.

    And then there is Teleprompter in chief “palling around with this guy.” I guess some things never change.

  22. Webb says,” Didn’t say you all want a race war, but the guy who said that does.”

    Ahh here’s clue for you pal. We are already in a race war, one sided at the moment but tough talk like the nubian at the header of this post will bring it home to any of the remaining clueless whites.

    3% of the population(black males 14-45) are committing 7x the violence on whites vs white on black. These same group of people are committing more the half the violent crime in this country. Couple them with hispanics and together they account for over 95% of gun crime in the country. Remove the murder rate of large cities from the mix(IOW blacks) and we(whites) have a lower murder rate then most premoslim European countries.

    Do you live in a neighborhood with any blacks? Do you live in a large city? Do you go to or even through the “black” parts of town even in the daytime? Do you use public facilities like tennis courts, libraries or zoos in or near black neighborhoods? What do you think when you see a group of young black men ahead of you coming your way? Or maybe a car full of them slowly cruising down your street? Ever hear of the knock out game? Flash mobs? Gangs of “teens” trashing Wal-Marts, McDonalds or Targets?


  23. Nah, But should they show up I’ll be wearing my gun and my socks. I normally don’t get involved in the “lets all beat our chest threads”, but I resent the implication that because I’m white and a Trump supporter it’s assumed I’m harmless and an easy victim. That would not be accurate

  24. I live in a rural area. Rioting is really difficult out here. I’d have to go at least a quarter mile just to holler in my neighbor’s yard, not that I would do that, since he’s a nice guy. I doubt I’m affected one bit.

  25. Dadof4: Not saying that it’s bad to be white, just that white people can be very entertaining when they’re racist.

    Gladys: Thanks, I will.

    Tim: I think the guy referring to brown people as “alien rat-people” and “feral savages” is racist but that’s just me. And “twisted shit” sounds like a sex move from a gay bath house but I’m not judging you.

    Oh, and I think Dadof4 is using a pseudonym. Call him out!

  26. The only negroes he knows are the ones allowed in “polite society” … y’know, fetching their drinks, shining their shoes, cleaning their pools … lotta “yassa, massah!” and “no suh, ain’tcher fault you dropped in yer drawers! Lemme clean them up fo ya!” or “I’ll tell Miss Pickles y’alls here …”

    One of The Virginia Webbs, no doubt …

  27. Dadof4 doesn’t call himself someone else’s name.
    Pseudonym or not.

    If he was calling himself “Gordon Sumner” or “Hulk Hogan” or “Lloyd George” I might find it odd.

  28. LocoBlancoSaltine: You sound like a crazy white cracker. And you use the word nigger as much as you want, you clearly enjoy doing so.

    Bad_Brad: Don’t know who said you’re an easy victim but being a Trump supporter means you’re definitely not harmless.

    moetom: I’m from Texas but I laugh at commenters on those sites too.

  29. James Webb — Instead of getting your jollies here because you are bored, perhaps your time would be better spent on pro-Leftist, anti-white (racist) blogs, asking them your idle, stupid questions. I like to see what that “polite society” would say to you.

    And speaking of polite society, “Polite Society” is why we have creeping Sharia law infiltrating our court systems and it’s what has a lot of ill-informed people thinking Micheal Brown was a gentle giant and not a would-be police murderer and why “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is the root cause of our men and women in blue being murdered at an alarming rate. Men and women, I would add, who have been murdered in the service of their communities and who have families who will never see their young, beloved sons, husbands, fathers ever again in this world.

    Polite Society says it’s okay for the lowest species of vermin can play a “knock out game” and ruin random peoples’ lives — people the thug doesn’t even know or have reason to destroy. Polite Society ignores the hundreds of thousands of children, women and men who are, right now, under threat of Islamists because they are Christians or they don’t adhere to Islam. And even those who do are under threat because they got caught outside without a chaperone or too much ankle was exposed.

    Your Polite Society, James Webb, worries too much about saying the right things and not doing the right things. So take your idle boredom and hit the bricks.

  30. James Webb, assuming you are Caucasian, how do you balance your white-guilt with your white-privilege?

    Do you beat down your white family and friends with your racist propaganda?
    You know there is such a thing as the soft bigotry of low expectations.

  31. Tim: Nobody says “negroes” anymore, unless they’re an old racist. Oh, wait…

    “““alien rat-people” and “feral savages” is racist”

    what race might that be?” Well, he was referring to illegal immigrants when he said “alien rat-people” so I assume they’re supposed to be Hispanics and he called the “feral savages” filthy Izlamics so I assume they’re supposed to be middle eastern. That all seemed pretty clearly laid out.

    “One of The Virginia Webbs, no doubt …”. Ya got me. I’m also one quarter space telescope on my mother’s side.

  32. No – he called LocoBlanco a crazy white cracker – so I’m guessing he’s a racist black man here to call “crackers” racist.

    Just FYI to racist black people – white people are not the least bit insulted by the term “cracker.” We realize that your hate comes from envy, and you just want to lash out at someone for your own perceived failure.

  33. Abigail Adams: That was great! See, that’s why ya’ll are more fun than left wingers. They don’t think Sharia law is creeping into our court system but you see the truth. The crazy, crazy truth.

    LocoBlancoSaltine: I am white but I have no white-guilt because I’ve done nothing I should feel guilty for. My white-privilege is no more my fault than yours is your fault. We’re white. Enjoy.

    And a guy who likes to use the word nigger calling me a racist is one of the best comments here so far. Well done, sir.

  34. On a radio station in Cleveland this week Marcia Fudge (yes that’s her real name) said that if Donald Trump comes to Cleveland to incite riots she’s going to throw his ass in jail!

    So there you have it folks – the stage has been set by the Left to cause as much chaos as possible with the pre-determined outcome that Republicans will get 100% of the blame. Welcome to the New Communism of disinformation, division and deceit where the Marxist Left will fabricate ways to brand Capitalists guilty of everything!
    Same as the Old Communism!

  35. Mr. Webb,
    Please define “racist.”

    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    And don’t copy and paste some bullshit, just tell us, in your own words.

    Much appreciative.

  36. I wouldn’t worry too much about the revenge of the rapper. This Wiki page lists, as of March 5, 32 rappers or rap musicians who have been murdered, it appears, entirely by people from within their own milieu (fancy word for “community”). And this doesn’t even cover the category of murdered Hip Hop artistes.

    For Capone and his crime boss cohort it was gambling, drugs and alcohol. For today’s crime hood, it’s rap and hip hop that brings in the money and they fight their turf wars for market share.

  37. Gladys: Please learn some rudimentary Spanish, then you will be in on the joke. And yes, I’m sure the reason black people hate you is because they envy you. You’re funny.

    Tim: I assumed the references to Univision and illegal invaders in the same sentence meant Hispanic, which is obvious. Don’t hurt yourself trying to define what “race” is. When someone refers to a group of people as vermin, they clearly have a problem.

    “And, by the by, “negro” is the proper term, not some euphemism or racial epithet.”

    Sure it is. That’s why only old white people use it anymore. You’re like some weird racist time traveler from the past. You’re the bees knees, daddio! 23 skidoo!

  38. The Ratfink: “So there you have it folks – the stage has been set by the Left to cause as much chaos as possible with the pre-determined outcome that Republicans will get 100% of the blame.”

    Trump suggested there would be riots if he didn’t get the nomination. How exactly did “the Left” get him to do that?

  39. Good thing that 0bama gave police departments all over the nation those gently used government military vehicles and full auto AR rifles. Now we get to use them. 🙂

  40. @JW – Donald Trump was merely stating that if the GOPe went against the will of the people who voted him in fair and square, that we would be rioting, and he is correct. But everyone is using that to pretend he is calling for riots. He was merely stating a fact. But the difference between our riots and the left wing and black riots – we will not be destroying other people’s property and stealing everything we can get our hands on.

  41. @James Webb – Well son, the Left didn’t “Get him to do that”.
    They simply twist it around to fit their agenda.

    Ya know… if the so-called “Tolerant Left” were to let someone speak the truth, especially the truth the Left doesn’t agree with, as the 1st Amendment allows, that would be one thing, but when they show up to start a fight it is quite another. The Left is out to shut down the competition… any way possible… because they know their argument can’t hold an ounce of water!!

  42. Also JW – you sound so smug and like you think you know everything – but there is whole lot you are missing. But I guess it makes you feel better to believe you are so much smarter.

  43. James Web thinks stupid, criminal, and religion are races, but white is not a race.
    What do you want to bet he leads his local chapter of Densa?
    That or he is a pencil neck pasty white middle aged guy living in his mom’s basement. There is no other way he could have strayed so far away from reality.

  44. Damn, Abigail Adams. I actually gave you a thumbs up for your polite society post. Well done.

    Little Jimmy Webb is just here to toss turds in the punch bowl. He’s got nuthin’. I read his verbal diarrhea and I picture Pajama Boy with his hipster glasses and hot chocolate.

  45. A few intellectually dishonest things from you:

    “Dadof4: Not saying that it’s bad to be white, just that white people can be very entertaining when they’re racist.”

    You previously said: “You people couldn’t be whiter if you were the cast of Friends covered in mayonnaise.”

    What is wrong with being whiter? Describe why you thought it was a smart put down.

    To now say it wasn’t an intended insult is dishonest.

    This is where your intellectual dishonesty comes into play. Own it.


    “Didn’t call anyone anything, just asked if you do it at work.”

    ” I mean, do you stand around the water cooler at work just casually commenting about how stupid black people are and that you’ve got a loaded gun at home and you can’t wait for those darkies to start some shit?”

    No, not anyone. But a whole race of people and then put the offense on us.

    Intellectual dishonesty.

    Putting “darkies” in there only showed your own way of thinking.

    Like when the lib boyfriend of my GFs daughter came and sat at a table I was at and stated: “Look at me! Sitting with two conservatives! Who would have thought that?”

    We shrugged and asked what he was talking about. He assumed nothing but hateful things because he KNEW conservatives would punch him out if they had a chance. That’s in his belief system. We kept on with our beers and conversation and got another glimpse of a the sickness of liberalism that has brainwashed the youth filling them with hate by lying and misrepresentation.

    Ignorance and prejudice.

    Just like you.


    Your self appointed expertness on how all white people are is pure prejudice.

    Your confidence of feeling so very, unquestionably right about whites matches bi-polarism. How could you possibly know every white and come to such a small conclusion? Hatefulness towards whitey.

    Yes, you are most definitely a racist. A hate filled one at that.

  46. Interesting how the troll makes it all about law abiding citizens who didn’t threaten to riot, and not the black man threatening violence.

    Don’t let him define the debate. And no, we don’t talk like this in public because the DOJ, IRS, FBI, EPA, OSHA, HUD, and a thousand other government agencies staffed by hateful drones like you will try to destroy our lives and careers. Ask the bakers in Oregon. We do occasionally react when our families be threatened with violence, but other than that we’re content to live and let live.

  47. Having kicked over the anthill, the Web(b) troll has departed, leaving the ants to attack thin air. His mission accomplished, he moves on to provoke and aggravate the next set of Conservative commenters, wasting their valuable time in futile arguments which mean nothing to his philosophy. He is neither moved, impressed, or even insulted by anything you might say. His only purpose has been to cause you trouble, in which he undoubtedly feels he has succeeded.

    And so it goes…


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