16 Comments on RATED ‘M’ FOR MAGA

  1. I voted during the first hour of early voting here in Santa Rosa Country and couldn’t help but notice that there were two viable presidential candidates on the ballot this year:

    1) Donald Trump
    2) Donald Trump

    Choose wisely.

  2. Just Voted on Big Pine Key…Wasn’t really a line, but it was the most People

    I’ve seen at the Polls in the last 10 Years.

    Left one blank , the local Republican running for County Commission is as dirty

    as They come…

    No Sticker , but We got to keep the Pen !!!

  3. In Armageddon, as the drillers take and they’re waiting for Bruce Willis to blow the SMOD up wondering why is hasn’t happened, Ben Afleck says that Harry doesn’t know how to fail.

    That’s what I think of our President. If he could do it in 2016, as a novice, I can’t imagine what he’s done behind the scenes this time.

  4. When I got towards the front of the line this morning I observed a real winner whom was running around with his ballot to all the poll workers wanting verification that he had properly filled his ballot out to follow party lines, in his case Democrat. Upon overhearing him asking the poll worker by us waiting still in line that he wanted to make sure he had only voted for Democrats I heard the elderly woman behind me saying in a low voice, “Jackass!”. Made my morning.

  5. Different Tim, you made me smile with that story!

    Just got back from voting for President Trump and EVERY R on the ballot.

    My sister and I went to our favorite diner for lunch and when they asked for our names and phone numbers (per our dictator governor’s self-proclaimed law), I said, “Minnie Mouse, 1234567.” She wrote it down and said, “Gee, third Minnie Mouse today!”

  6. stirrin the pot, the next time I go, I will be Patrick Henry and my phone number will be “Give me liberty or give me death!”. They will have to figure out what number to write down!


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