Reader Critter Contributions – IOTW Report

Reader Critter Contributions

ABQ7670 Reader Contributions Jan 2016

1 – Photo by ABQ767, celebrating the 1st snowfall of the year

2 – Photo by Tim – Coon and deer enjoying breakfast.

3 – Photo by John M.

4a & 4b – Photos by sTevo, Here are a couple of pics we took at out neighbors house. I was having a sheep herding day.
Caption: Jihad Porn

5 – Photo by charliewalksonwater

6 – Photo by Plain Jane

7a & 7b – Photos by Lowell – Charlotte (seated) and Bleu. Making sure I feel loved. 2 – Two wild hen turkeys got nosy when I was working. First time I’ve ever had this happen. I took these pics to prove it. Guess my zen was working that day.

8 – Tuesday

9 – Kairn, This is a sketch I did of my dachshund June 2012.  Being mildly pedantic, he has informed me he prefers ‘wiener dog’ over ‘weiner dog’ and ‘dachshund’ over ‘dash hound’.


Attributions: If a reader sends in photos from the web, email or elsewhere (photos not taken by them or family/friends) (or photos not identified as by them or family/friends), I will add them to my collection of web images to post periodically. Otherwise, if it is their photo, I will include the information given to me when sent in.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion in the Sunday Critter feature, please sent your submission to:

Please use the word ‘Critters’ in the subject line and
include the following in the body of the email:

1.  Your screen name
2.  Indicate if you or family/friend took the picture (if the picture is from the web or an email someone sent you, it may be featured in a different post)
3.  Any description you wish

P.S. I post pictures “in the order they are received”. If you send more than a couple of pictures, they may not all make the cut. But if you’re patient, they still may make it if I run out of new entries.

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