I am now firmly in the Basket of Deplorables. This is long, but I am so very sick of the biased media, the double standards, and the false “conservative” pundits and the Obama-sucking Republicans. I’m sure you know most of this, but let me make my case:
At first it was less about electing Trump and more about keeping Hillary out of the White House. That said, I do like Trump. There is nothing in this for him. I believe he wants to try to save what’s left of our country, is a patriot, and doesn’t want Obama’s third term, only worse, which is what Hillary would be. He could just sit back and live out his life with his wife and kids and grandkids. It sure would be easier than what he’s doing now. I know a guy who worked on the Trump Tower in NYC and the crews remember him fondly, for what it’s worth. They remember that when he found out they didn’t have a restroom on each floor they worked on, he had them installed on every floor for the crews. He treated them well, while Hillary treats even the men tasked with protecting her life like servants. They weren’t allowed to look at her or talk to her when they were in the White House.
So I honestly don’t give a single f**k about something Trump said 11 years ago in private. Had he been a Democrat, it would have never been reported. Thanks to the impeachment hearings, Bill Clinton forced the entire country to explain to their children what a bj is. He didn’t have multiple marriages but only because he has a wife willing to cover for him and destroy the women he’s groped, raped, and otherwise harmed if they try to speak out. So seeing four of those women front row center at the debate yesterday was awesome. No one has stood up to the Clintons ever, until now. (The long list of their mysteriously dead associates may be responsible for that.)
Hillary has a mouth so foul it would embarrass a trucker. She and Bill called their SS protection pigs (among other things) and thus so did little Chelsea. They treat everyone around them like crap. And Bill has made more than a few trips with Jeffrey Epstein on the Lolita Express (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/details-on-bill…/…/2566852). Bill once told his girlfriend Gennifer Flowers that Hillary has had more pu$$y than he has. Nobody cares if she is bi, but Bill said PU$$Y!! OMG OMG OMG!! Oh wait–Democrat. (http://dailycaller.com/…/bill-clintons-ex-lover-hillary-is…/)
These two have no high road to take.
Hillary embraced Senator Byrd, who only distanced himself from the KKK, in which he was highly ranked, because after the 60s it made for bad optics. Hillary called him a mentor. (http://observer.com/…/hillary-clinton-remembers-friend-and…/)
She also admires eugenicist Margaret Sanger greatly, who referred to blacks (and others) as human weeds that need to be exterminated, which explains the Planned Parenthoods that are more often than not in minority neighborhoods. (http://thefederalist.com/…/watch-hillary-praise-planned-pa…/ ) They also really do sell baby parts. It’s all about the money. Incidentally, the Susan G. Komen Foundation (for whom you are all running to raise money this month) gives a massive chunk of change to Planned Parenthood every year, despite research showing the link between abortion and breast cancer. Again, one hand washes the other. The Sacrament of Abortion must be protected.
And after what they did when they left the White House the first time, I have no desire to see them in it again. When the uber-liberal NY Times has to admit what they did, you know it had to be bad. (http://www.nytimes.com/…/white-house-vandalized-in-transiti…)
Nixon left office over 18 missing minutes of tape concerning a two-bit burglary of Democrat HQ. Bill was impeached but stayed on because, you know, Democrat. They never resign–they “take responsibility” and “seek treatment” or some such nonsense, but they do not resign. They get away with it. Hillary deletes 30,000 emails, gets at least four Americans killed and endangers others in undercover operations, compromises national security, has the Director of the FBI admit she was pretty damn guilty but he just couldn’t recommend charges because she was both forgetful due to brain damage and stupid, and yet she is the Democrat presidential candidate, endorsed by the Communist Party USA, as have been all other Democrat presidential candidates in my lifetime. The CPUSA finally realized they didn’t even have to try because the Democrats were working toward their goals for them.
But Trump is racist. (http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3410648/posts) Building the first country club in Palm Beach that accepted blacks and Jews, when the ones already there refused to change their policy. (They later changed the policy because he made them look bad.) Donating to black charities, college funds, even Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton’s “Charities.” Damn him! He hates blacks! At least, he does now that he’s running against a Democrat.
And Trump is sexist as well as racist! Hiring women and minorities at top levels of his businesses. (http://dailycaller.com/…/attorney-trump-companies-employ-m…/) That rat bastidge! Of course, no one ever said he hated women until he ran against a Democrat. Funny how that works.
Trump is just so sexist. Democrats can tell women to vote with their vaginas–in vagina costumes!–and female Democrat celebrities can make their livings off their bodies even up into their 50s and older, with many being absolutely filthy. Our own Dear Leader just loves him some rappers who write songs that consist of almost nothing but “Pu$$y”–entertains them in our White House–and the Wookie thinks Beyonce is a great role model for her daughters. I guess she is if you want your daughter filmed smoking pot and twerking, as Malia was over the summer. But Trump said something 11 years ago that they all say (or sing) daily even now, and that has them all shocked–Shocked, I tell you!! Democrat women are so very independent and empowered, as long as Daddy Government pays for their birth control and abortions (same thing to them). They love their totally non-female-body-exploiting (snort) slut walks, but are enraged if you suggest they stay sober and in control of themselves to avoid falling victim to rape or worse. Like, personal responsibility is such a drag.
The Clinton Foundation gives approximately 6% of its multi-million dollar yearly intake to charity. They put all their income into the foundation, write it off as charity, donate 6% (for example, useless, watered-down AIDS drugs to Africa), and then spend the rest on “transportation, salaries, business expenses”–like Chelsea’s $10 million NYC apartment. As Secretary of State, Hillary took donations from the Saudis and many other questionable governments and in exchange for what, exactly? What is she selling to make all this money? I mean, they were “flat broke” when they left the White House, could hardly pay the mortgages on their two palatial estates. And ask the Haitians how they feel about the millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation took in after their previous catastrophe for aid to the country and how little of that aid money the people of Haiti saw.
Trump has always been a private citizen and nothing he has ever done in the past has endangered the country or his fellow citizens. Every rotten, disgusting thing the Clintons have done has been while they touted themselves as “public servants,” holding public office. Hillary has called half the citizens she claims to want to represent “racist, sexist, uneducated, ignorant, not American, irredeemable, and deplorable.” Well, I beg to differ. The companions in my own small area of the Basket of Deplorables are doctors, nurses, teachers, artists, executives, business owners, musicians, soccer moms, writers, veterans, active duty military, both sexes, all races, many different ethnicities–just in my own circle. And I don’t think I’m a total moron either.
Is Trump perfect? Of course not. But why is it that the Republican candidate has to be a frigging saint while the Democrat can be a f***ing criminal and no one in the MSM or elsewhere will ever say a word about it. Andrew Cuomo on CNN came out and said that he didn’t know how they could help Hillary any more than they already have. Google and Yahoo vet search results and lean far left. Facebook will suspend your account for posting anti-Democrat or anti-Muslim anything (friends of mine have been sent to Facebook jail), but Muslims can foment jihad and the left wing can and does post an amazing amount of mean and nasty crap about the right, even death threats, with impunity. The standards only apply to the right and Republicans. Facebook was forced to admit this not too long ago. Even Fox has gone to the dark side. They talk about what conservatism is and how to best serve it. Like by electing a Republican Congress that promised to stand up to Obama and then bent over and took everything he shoved up their—never mind. No more Mr. Nice Guys. No more Mitts (the father of Romneycare, the basis for Obamacare). No more McCains (a man who should have retired years ago)–and for God’s sake, no Jeb!
Obama has weakened our military, made it more of a social experiment than a fighting force, made us a laughingstock in the eyes of the world, apologized to the world (twice!) for the citizens who elected him twice, and placed Muslim Brotherhood operatives in high places throughout our government. He kept his word to “stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift” in a bad direction, which it did thanks entirely to the Muslims themselves. He has supported the new terrorist group Black Lives Matter, giving them implicit permission to kill cops and whites with impunity, loot and burn when they feel like it, and never have to entertain the thought that a little personal responsibility and less thug life would improve their circumstances immensely. Hillary has promised more of the same: open borders, more imported terrorists, more domestic BLM terror, more economic downturn–Obama’s third term.
The bottom line is that the Clintons are not good people. A certain number of people will vote for her because she has (I think) a vagina! First woman president! How very historic. The same people who voted for Obama because he was black and “cool.” Well, not this time. Not if I can help it. There’s a monster vote brewing and the left will have to really step up the voter fraud, which has already started, to overcome it.
Trump is a blowhard and a self-promoter, but the money he has didn’t come from foreign governments wanting to buy influence in the American government through the Secretary of State and her “Foundation.” He didn’t raise millions on the promise to help people in need who then never saw the money. He doesn’t give $250,000, 20-minute speeches to cover taking money from Wall Street. His children are intelligent, well spoken, and accomplished. He has done a lot to help people, but not being a politician, he didn’t always drag a camera crew with him to be sure everyone knew it (unlike Obama, who refused to visit troops in a German hospital because they wouldn’t allow the camera crew in). I believe he is a good man, and I’m willing to take my chances with him as president. God knows he cannot be worse than what we’ve already endured.
Also, Nigel Farage is in his corner. I love Nigel. 🙂 I won’t be voting reluctantly for Trump. I support him both for who he is and for what he isn’t. I think he’s our last chance to stop the march to socialism and regain a sense of American pride. I simply feel we have nothing left to lose and I thank God that we don’t have the next-in-line squishy Republican who apologizes for being from a different party than his “good friend,” the so-called opposition, for our candidate. We don’t have two parties anymore, just a Uniparty with two wings to give us the illusion of choice. Trump may not be any better in the end, but he sure as hell can’t be any worse, and I’m rooting for him. And I’m not alone.
🙂 –Merry Poppet.
Merry. I almost get a sense of how you lean politically. Could you elaborate? 😀
Excellent rant!!!
No one has ever told me who to vote for. Right or wrong I have always voted republican
Fuck the democrats and their mentally ill followers. Bunch of self righteous pc turds.
Rah-rah, Merry! Most excellent!
5 stars rant!
Good rant Marry. However I’d like to offer my opinion on two things. Our enemies are dynamic. There’s no clear cut line of demarcation. But in the next few weeks I beleive the Globalists (#NeverTrump assholes) will come out of the shadows in full on attacks.
“Trump is a blowhard and self promoter”. I disagree. Trump uses that persona as a weapon. And it’s worked well so far. People that know him will tell you he’s an easy going kind man. That persona had gotten him so much free publicity it’s mind boggling.
The good news about this election being so dynamic is we have voters now on our side that never would have been in a traditional election. Just my perspective.
Because, FU – That’s why!
That wasn’t directed at you. I liked your rant. I was adding to it.
Exactly, WTH is the Republican candidate supposed to be a saint. I talked to someone today that said we should have run Romney again or Cruz Or Rubio. Because of course they wouldn’t be destroyed. And this is so embarrassing blah blah blah and to prove a point they sent me Cruz’s response about how unfair it didn’t come out earlier. My response is why are you so sure Trump still would not have won the primary. Did you already forget we’ve heard him be rude, crude, insulting?! Why is this even shocking to anyone? And if his supporters aren’t leaving him now why would they 6-8 months ago?
Thank you! This is a keeper so I am printing and sharing if you don’t mind.
Honestly, we needed someone who was not afraid to expose the Clintons. He has got guts. After all the garbage the media and Hillary throw at him, then he marches out on that stage and lets her have it! That is presidential in my book. Here is my own rant. I am a college educated woman, and I am tired of all this crap about how women don’t support him and his voters are uneducated fools. From what I can see we all get it and understand what is at stake here. I am proud to be in the same basket with all of you.
You’ve been reading my mind again and its a little creepy, however, you do correct all my spelling errors which I am grateful for.
I read this entire thing, always asking in the back of my mind, “who wrote this?”
I was impressed with every utterance.
My God, Merry, you spoke for me better than I could articulate it.
Thank you.
Merry, great rant!!!! Thank you!
Well said Merry, two enthusiastic thumbs up! And you are right, you are not alone.
Merry Poppet, great rant! I’ve bookmarked it.
I’m with BB on the “blowhard” thing, though. I could probably be an official biographer of the man at this point. lol! He has an almost innocent righteousness to him which comes from an authentic and simple sense of right and wrong and a deeply felt empathy for those who have been treated unfairly. It reminds me of my own child when she was young, having an immediate reaction to acts of unfairness against her or others. Kids instinctively know when they’re being messed with, don’t they? He’s just not that complicated a person, but because we are so completely inured to the sophistry of politics and politicians, we don’t trust our own senses anymore, so that when someone comes along who utterly rejects and attacks those pols, we — in our degrees of Stockholm Syndrome — question why they don’t at least preface their attacks with, “My esteemed colleague..” I sometimes think this is what is meant when people say they want someone who is more “presidential.” I guess we want our pols to smile as they stick the knife in.
I remember Rush saying he would never get into a political career because it would mean a serious pay cut. True. So that left Rush out of the picture. Trump is the closest thing we’ve got to a Rush running for President. I wouldn’t give that up for the world.
Merry darlin’ as I said before, and I’ll say again, if Donald Trump shoots Pope Francis on Fifth Avenue tomorrow at noon, I’ll still vote for him.
@Moe Tom — If he shot Pope Marx Francis on Fifth Avenue tomorrow, he’d pick up the Mormon vote.
With all the Commies & Socialists wandering around Manhattan how would ya ever recognize the Pope on 5th Avenue?
AA, And the Catholic vote.
SO TRUE ! I think a bunch of us came around that way. At first I was just so mad at our fellow republicans for giving Obama anything he wanted. Then I grew to really like him 🙂
Great post Merry. I’ve send that off into the interwebs to my friends.
Very nice rant Merry. Well written and informative.
Merry, spot on and stunning recap of why so many of us “Deplorables” will never abandon Trump. Bless you for writing this and covering all we have in our hearts, heads and souls.
Hillary was 5 or 6 when Byrd left the Klan in 1952. She knew him years later when he was a US Senator. He often apologized for being in the Klan during his 57 years in Congress. You have your facts wrong, actually most of your info is wrong.