Really ugly but want to score with women? Become a Hollywood producer – IOTW Report

Really ugly but want to score with women? Become a Hollywood producer

Patriot Retort:

Rush Limbaugh famously said that politics is showbiz for the ugly.

But the truth is, showbiz can be showbiz for the ugly – provided that the ugly guy in question is a Hollywood producer.

It’s amazing the kind of trim you can score when you have the power to make someone a star.

Of course it helps when the people you exploit are unbelievably desperate and insecure – as most actors are.

And you would have to be incredibly desperate and insecure to let an ugly mass of flesh like Harvey Weinstein lay his meaty paws on you.

What I find immensely ironic is the woman who claimed Donald Trump made her skin crawl had no problem cozying up to this disgusting pig.

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24 Comments on Really ugly but want to score with women? Become a Hollywood producer

  1. Hollywood has ALWAYS been this way. But much worse. If D.C. Is the swamp, Hollywood is the cesspool. Sadly, they cover for each other….like true debauched liberals.

  2. Weinstein’s feelings are all hurting right now. He’s been outed as a big fat slob of a worthless human being who can’t have his way with every starlet who wants to work in Hollywoodland. Now he is going to show that mean old liberal newspaper how really impotent he is. His wife and children are standing by him as he has therapy to understand what awful pig he actually is around young, beautiful women who just want a leg up.
    And, Trump got excoriated for saying what this ugly, pathetic bastard does for a hobby.

  3. To them, all criminal democrats are “sexy.”

    Time to secede. I have nothing in common with these people. I don’t consider them my countrymen. I consider them unwelcomed guests in my country that won’t leave.

    My world is engineered to be almost w/o interaction with any of them, until they invade my world and then I realize how alien and disgusting they are, and I adjust accordingly so that I am once again free of their intrusion.

  4. I’m not one who cares about looks because, let’s face it, looks are fleeting and if we’re lucky enough, we’ll get to be 80 and ugly as sin one day, so more important to be a kind, decent person with a good sense of humour and interesting things to talk about. So personality, the essence inside, is what either attracts or repels me, so this is one terribly fugly dude.

  5. I’m gonna go all lookist.

    Every time I’ve seen a photo of this guy – and this is going back years – he’s always seemed skeevy to me. Guess that intuition was right.

  6. He’s a Boar ! How about Hilly though, she’s only 5 or 6 Surgeries away from becoming a Saggy ” Madam Secretary ” . I have no doubt that she’s been aiming at this for years now !!!

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