ReBLEATING Sheep Have Been Coached By Some Larger Unseen Sheep Herder – IOTW Report

ReBLEATING Sheep Have Been Coached By Some Larger Unseen Sheep Herder

The walls are closing in…

14 Comments on ReBLEATING Sheep Have Been Coached By Some Larger Unseen Sheep Herder

  1. I read an article a couple days ago about Tom Steyer, that rich piece of shit that has no respect for our vote, has funded a group with 1,000 employees and 2,000 volunteers with the express purpose of figuring out how to get a duly elected president thrown out of office. So far he’s spent 100 million. I wonder who he has on speed dial?

  2. It’s too bad media outlets can’t be sued for Journalist malpractice, because this goes on round the clock at multiple outlets until democrat voters start believing there must be something there.

  3. There are few things that more concern me than large groups of people who completely agree with each other. The larger the collective hive, and the more they agree, the less they think and the more dangerous they are.

    So today’s political divide is actually a good thing. I’m sure the alphabet networks and the dying newspaper industry are upset because their power is less, but that’s just too bad.

  4. And speaking of shepherds, if you get a chance listen to POTUS Trump’s meeting at the WH today with ministers from around the country who are working with him to reform people who have been incarcerated and looking at ways to help turn their lives around once they leave prison. Big lump in throat time.

    (Oh, and now Bill Clinton’s legacy regarding his status with blacks has been erased, too.)


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