RedState Comments On Protestors – IOTW Report

RedState Comments On Protestors

-I agree with Cruz 100%. The Donald brings this upon himself with his rhetoric.

-No one is saying that the left is not culpable for what is occurring between Trump supporters and those protesters. But is the answer really to respond to violence and hate with MORE violence and hate????

-I’m hopeful that the video from last night in Chicago will help enough GOP primary voters to recognize where the Trump train is headed.

-I’m concerned the Cleveland convention is going to be a nightmare for everyone because of Trump.

I think #NeverTrump should be renamed #NeverLand. This collection of stupidity, thankfully, was called out by OTHER REDSTATE commenters, something I have not seen since I’ve been monitoring their site.

-The more I think about it, I’m pretty disappointed in Cruz’ response. He is conflating the violence at prior rallies with the large scale protest in Chicago that was intended to block Trump from speaking, and did so successfully. If I were Cruz I’d be out condemning the protesters, warning of the threat they pose to civil discourse and free expression, and calling on President Obama and all the other candidates (especially Hillary) to join him in condemning it.

-I think you’re quite right. As Cruz notes, Trump has indeed created an atmosphere that gives a venue to the Leftist’s protests. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree with Trump, what the leftist brownshirts are doing is simply criminal and anti-American. There have been a couple of media hyped instances of trump supporters engaging physically and verbally with opposition protesters, but there has not been anything like these violent, sponsored, organized mobs whose sole purpose is to intimidate and prevent one side from voicing its positions.

-Cruz should be careful because X creating an “environment” for hate is what all D’s say about all Rs. Any non-leftist policy is an environment for hate.

-He should use the opportunity to point out how Trump is a reaction to the hateful environment that the Democrats have been building for decades, and especially under Obama.

-Meme or not, Cruz speaks the truth as it relate to the fact that Trump is inciting violence in his rallies; nothing leftist about this TRUTH!

-How is Trump inciting violence? Be specific?

Leftists call anyone a racist just because they disagree with Obama.
Leftists accuse anyone on the right with fostering a hateful “environment” simply by advocating for conservatism.

So when I say be careful, I am saying be specific. Otherwise, Cruz is just loading a gun that will ultimately be used against Cruz.

-yes this narrative will quickly be used by dems on all our candidates….if they could make a war on women out of thin air…think what they can do with this

(This next comment is in support of Cruz but it is the most damning of Cruz. A worm identifies with the worm that throws the right under the bus in order to preserve his own ass. -bfh)

-No, his only choice is to get out front and call for Trump to halt the rhetoric. Otherwise he becomes part of the story.




43 Comments on RedState Comments On Protestors

  1. Trump’s “rhetoric” is just mirroring what the majority of the country feels. It’s time to put down these BLM clowns with violence, if need be. It’s all they will understand.

  2. When Dan “Big Brain” Joseph said he couldn’t/wouldn’t/shant vote for Trump because it would go against his personal credo of never voting for a despicable human being, citing that Trump made fun of a lefty journalist with a disability, I thought I saw just how cloyingly insipid these arguments would become.
    I was wrong.

    To see this collection of rat fuckers stand with the actual despicable human beings of this world and point and cluck, “ya, this dude and his violent rhetoric, who can blame you?,” in order to try and win an election, an election that should largely be about defeating the #BLM movement, is a low point.

  3. “But is the answer really to respond to violence and hate with MORE violence and hate????”

    Obviously another attorney. People correct their behavior when pain is administered

  4. I am disappointed with Cruz and Rubio for saying Trump brought this on himself. Such statements give credibility and cause for Brown Shirt behavior. It is roughly akin to blaming a woman dressing provocatively is responsible for her rape. Qualifier, I do not support Trump.

  5. Violence and hate are two different things. I’ve visited violence upon (rude) people I’d only just met and never been properly introduced to.

    You have to know someone to actually hate them.

  6. I have been a Cruz supporter for pretty much this whole crazy process. Originally I scoffed at the thought of a Trump candidacy – because I didn’t think he was serious. Once I realized he was, I started to realize a Trump Presidency might not be so bad. I vote in Ohio. I vote Absentee. I had the ballot all filled out, except for my GOP Presidential nominee and waffled back and forth between Cruz and Trump…I ended up picking Trump, and it’s stuff like recent events that make me glad I did.

  7. What Fur said, every word of it. I thought I was the only one who thought Cruz was irresponsible with his comments. I’ve spent most of the last 24 hours asleep (bad week in court), and hadn’t realized that Little Marco had chimed in too.

    Look, I had to accept eight years of Obama, and I did it without rioting. The left has to accept that, barring something tragic or unprecedented, Trump is going to be the GOP nominee and will, God willing, be our 45th president.

  8. What “violence” or “hate” talk has Mr. Trump used?

    This is of a whole cloth with the socialists claiming that lowering taxes is “hateful.”

    Pure, unalloyed, stupidity.

  9. The Stop Trump movement is insane. I am still very close to my best friend from junior high school. She married into a prominent conservative family (her brother-in-law was Bush II’s appointment to head the NEA), and over the years she has gone from not overly political to a reliably conservative citizen.

    She recently told me that she dislikes Trump so much that she would vote for Hitlery over him. That really took my breath away.

  10. What Mxyzptlk says…I’m still not convinced that Trump is the best candidate, but I damn sure agree on his major positions. And what Brad says too…humans tend to learn very effectively from pain. I’m not one to start trouble but that doesn’t mean I run from it either. The time is coming, and it may be upon us, when we’re called upon to get physical. I think I might still have one more scrap left in me.

  11. Trump revealed what we know to be true: The government is corrupt. A handful of people with money – Soros, Zuckerberg, Steyer, Gates, Buffet – in buying politicians negate the will of millions of American citizens and legislate their own interests which are enforced using the government’s right to coerce through penalty of imprisonment and confiscation.

  12. Aunt Liz….. If we all keep thinking (especially about not trampling on the rights of each other), it will come out all right, clean from the wash. ….smile. …. …Lady in Red

  13. Since Trump’s would-be attacker is an ISIS supporter and propagandist as well as a Bernie supporter AND his mother has a high paying job in the Atlanta City government AND they are listed as long-time Clinton donors, maybe it’s time to pass a law requiring all democrat donors undergo a background check for terrorist ties and mental health problems.

  14. BFH
    March 12, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    They hated Trump’s tone.

    I hate the tone Cruz set much. much, much more.

    Me too. Makes me even more determined to place an X by Trump’s name.

  15. Received from a friend:

    Much of the establishment’s criticism of Donald Trump comes from its failure to comprehend the reasons for his soaring popularity. Establishment types seem untroubled by the problems facing America, so they can’t understand the urgency that fathered Trump’s rise. Minor adjustments to the Hindenburg’s dining room menu just aren’t going to get it.

    Their overwrought analysis, their hand-wringing and their contemptuousness for Trump betray a disdain not only for Trump but for Americans who recognize the gravity of America’s predicament — and who, in desperation, have turned to Trump for bold action.

    It’s hard to overstate Americans’ concern for the state of the nation. Horrified by President Obama’s Sherman-esque march through America, they are tired of hearing that nothing can be done. They are through with empty promises from establishment politicians.

    People are tired of Obama’s pitting blacks against whites, women against men, gays against heterosexuals, rich against poor, non-taxpayers against taxpayers, citizens against cops and his Muslims against Christians. They can no longer stomach Obama’s apologizing for America and excusing terrorists while rushing to attack Christians at every turn.

    People are sick of being called racists for things that happened in this country before they were born or before they could vote, for opposing Obama’s destructive agenda, or for simply being Republicans. They abhor the war on cops orchestrated by racial hucksters and pandering politicians. They are incredulous that any president would deliberately engineer America’s decline and degrade our military. They are tired of the nation’s chief executive officer’s flouting laws and thwarting the people’s will.

    Americans are sick of Obama’s trashing America’s founding, assaulting capitalism, and bellowing about man-made global warming as a pretense to impose more liberty-smothering regulations. They are nauseated by politicians who are more interested in bipartisanship with scofflaws than with saving the nation.
    People are mortified by the nation’s fiscal instability, its unbridled national debt, its spiraling entitlements and Washington’s refusal to address them. They are sick of the fraudulent spending “cuts.” They have had their fill of the lies, especially about Obamacare, whose costs dwarf Obama’s promised projections and are getting worse by the day. They’ve reached their limit with this administration’s rewarding unemployment and laziness while punishing work, its honoring socialism and demonizing capitalism.

    People are sick of politically correct bullies. They are exhausted by lectures about not paying their fair share when half the income earners don’t pay income taxes. They are fed up with lies about decreasing unemployment rates when tens of millions have dropped out of the workforce.

    Every other week, we face a new existential threat to the nation — threats perpetrated or enabled by Obama and the Washington establishment. But the establishment meets these perils with barely disguised indifference. Islamic terrorism is overrunning the Middle East and has reached our mainland, and Obama doesn’t dare whisper its name. Obama refuses to enforce the borders; he orders his administration not to enforce immigration laws; he lawlessly grants amnesty to millions of immigrants who are here illegally; and he and his party set up sanctuary cities that harbor criminal immigrants.

    Last year, we faced an invasion from Central America; now, in the name of compassion, we are inviting in Syrian refugees — some 72 percent of whom are, curiously, men. Are we afraid to wonder aloud whether those who sidestep the legal immigration process will embrace the American idea.? Whether they will end up on the welfare rolls.?

    With Congress’ help, Obama bypassed the Constitution’s treaty clause and entered into a reckless, non-verifiable nuke deal with Iran and will give the Iranians a $150 billion signing bonus to fund terrorism and build ballistic missiles.

    So where does that leave us.? People have heard one too many times that the Republican Party, if it regains control, will turn things around. Republicans have been so timid in opposing Obama’s agenda that many have quit believing they’ll reverse this madness if they acquire full control.

    Along comes Trump, who gives voice to these legitimate grievances instead of calling people racist, selfish or hysterical. He emphasizes the urgency of these problems, and he denounces the status quo, the establishment, Washington inertia and political correctness without an ounce of apology. People are dehydrated, and he’s their Gatorade.

    Whether Trump could or would deliver on his promises is one thing, but the establishment’s arrogant failure to acknowledge, let alone decry the horror of, the status quo is his lifeblood. If Trump is a monster, the establishment is Dr. Frankenstein, so please spare us the lectures.

    Some happen to prefer other candidates, and certain things about Trump make them nervous; but I appreciate that he is shaking things up, and I refuse to belittle Trump’s supporters for believing he would be more effective than many of his establishment rivals. Our forefathers’ precious gift of liberty to us is not self-sustaining, and if we don’t quit kicking it to the curb, it will leave us, never to return.

  16. Aunt Liz…. And the wonder of it all is: I am *always* correct in my positions. Yesh! (Once in 1993, I thought I’d mis-thunk something, but it turned out I was right in the first place.) …smile.
    …..Lady in Red

  17. @pageturner, “maybe it’s time to pass a law requiring all democrat donors undergo a background check for terrorist ties and mental health problems.”
    I think the ‘mental health problems’ is a foregone conclusion!

  18. Not RedState, but FB – a remark I’ve read by someone who thinks Trump is buddies with Soros and colluded with him to set up the Chicago riot for media time. And there’s another one backing up the first one.

    I’d ask for help with this, but I’m not the one in need of assistance in dealing with the world as it is.

  19. Just got back from dinner and prior to that the Trumpapaloza at the Cleveland OH IX Center. It was fun and the crowd was a happy bunch. Glad I went! There were a few protesters, mostly white, a few black, all very young. They had one thing in common and that was the appearance of needing a good scrub down, a sheep dip and serious hair combing. They were surrounded by mass quantities of law enforcement and gently escorted out. They were allowed to protest outside the building in a very contained area.

    Everyone we encountered was upbeat and very courteous. That included the Secret Service, the TSA, Cleveland Police, the Staties and the Seriff’s Deputies. Imagine this – the TSA in a good mood, ultra polite and pleasant.

    Interesting the people attending were a mix of races – white, black, Asian, Hispanic – and all ages.
    I have pictures and some buttons for a contest later. Will e-mail BFH after attending to animal care and chugging some caffeine.

  20. I had to ask for guidance on the Trump Cruz thing.
    I like Cruz because of his statements on the Constitution and his apparent heartfelt passion.
    I Like Trump because he likes a fight, and is not of the Political brotherhood.
    When Ted and Marco and Crazy Mr. Greenjeans all took sides with anarchists denying another Candidate his Constitutional rights because they saw a political opening, I needed no more information.
    The Constitution is either for all of us or it’s worse than for none of us

    Lazlo follows the Cowboy codes as set down by Roy Rogers, Hopalong Cassidy, and the like.
    One rule goes: Never take unfair advantage, even over an enemy

  21. Lazlo; my granddad was a cowboy. He didn’t play one on TV.
    He told me “Always try to avoid a fight, but if a fight is going to happen, always throw the first punch. Never give your opponent an advantage”.
    He didn’t have a stunt double to take his punches for him.

  22. when the brownshirts show up, with their violence and their jackboots, and their mobs, claiming that YOU are the NAZIS…’s just a logical extension of the mouthings of the resident of the white house…..”if they bring a knife, you bring a gun”…..”get in their face”….”punch back twice as hard”….”if they put one of ours in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue”…..

    but oh my, it’s DONALD TRUMP who is sowing the seeds of discord and violence…..

    it took the co-ordinated efforts of many many violent leftist groups, to shut down the trump rally in chicago…..problem is, it worked…

    so they will continue to use the same strategies against all future trump rallies……and soon enough, various and sundry cities and towns will decline to host trump rallies, because of the “cost” of supplying “security”…..

    and they keep saying crime doesn’t pay…..

    and……..they keep saying we live in a democratic republic….when, in fact, we live, more and more every day, in a thuggacratic burro-cracy……

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