Regnery Publishing Cuts Ties With New York Times – IOTW Report

Regnery Publishing Cuts Ties With New York Times

Regnery Publishing, the largest conservative publisher in the United States, has announced it will sever all ties with the New York Times, alleging the Left-wing paper biases its ‘bestseller’ list in favour of liberal titles.  MORE

In a letter to Regnery’s authors, she noted: “We are often told it’s foolish to bite the hand that feeds you. I say it’s just as foolish to feed the hand that bites you.”

9 Comments on Regnery Publishing Cuts Ties With New York Times

  1. Cutting off their nose to spite their face.
    They already have their readers on the “right;”
    all they are doing is ensuring almost no one
    on the “left” – or center – will know of their more popular works.

  2. To “feed the hand that bites you”? I admire the sentiment, I think. But I’m glad that’s from the President and Publisher, not an editor.

    (Of course, if you can do better, polish on. The memes must flow!)

  3. @Czar of Defenestration September 5, 2017 at 10:42 am

    I don’t think there’s any way Regnery actually can prevent the New York Times from listing their products. Unless an open price list for listing is refused, of course. My take was that Regnery will no longer, themselves, quote the New York Times “sales” figures, as a “reliable” source.

    (One of the voices in my head just shouted a misremembered line from “Casablanca”.)

  4. There has always been questions about the process and the accuracy of the NYT Bestseller List. This question comes up every few years and it would be worthwhile for them (the NYT) to invite some observers to watch how they put it together. One of the things they try to prevent are huge, dummy purchases of a particular book from a publisher in order to inaccurately push a book onto the list (Hillary, are listening?). If they put the process into the open and allowed some sort of outside audit I think it would serve to reduce questions/concerns about bias. They won’t do that of course.

  5. @Czar of Defenestration September 5, 2017 at 10:58 am

    A chorus of the voices in my head just went full Englishter, with a bunch of “Hear here”s and a “Bully” or two. I think I’d best agree.

  6. the Times’ reply was pure shit-drivel BS. They said that they survey “over 1,000 booksellers” to get their survey figures.

    Yeah, but if the NYT makes sure they are surveying only fellow far-left assholes, then you are going to ensure a result that is skewed favorably to the far-Left.

    I stopped buying books at a local book store when I realized the owner was a Leftist. The owner made some snarky comments about my order request for the PIG Politically Incorrect Guide To Islam. The stupid shit lost all my business; about $1,000 a year worth. Likewise, I’m sure the NYT has devised ways to figure which booksellers are fellow Quislings and make sure they survey only them.

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