Reluctant Fox Called It, So It Must Be True, Youngkin Wins in Virginia – IOTW Report

Reluctant Fox Called It, So It Must Be True, Youngkin Wins in Virginia

Still not feeling safe.

36 Comments on Reluctant Fox Called It, So It Must Be True, Youngkin Wins in Virginia

  1. ^I’m sorry, previous copy with inadvertent paste!

    What I mean to say was…

    If PHenry went to bed, Youngkin must have won!

    (This is strictly an unscientific exit poll projection.)

  2. Bathing in a shower of Demonrat liberal tears…

    Those white suburbans who just overwhelming voted in the 1st black LT Governor and who voted overwhelming for the Pedo are now racist trash to the ever shrinking Demonrat powerbase.

    Make no mistake, this is the shot heard round the world and even if they squeak out a win in NJ the Demonrats are now in full metal jacket panic.

    For a liberal godlike powerbroker like Terry the Fairey to loose to an upstart nobody who had zero recognition a few months ago?

    Talk about sending a message. Mcauliffe was a national Demonrat elite. The 1 % of the 1% of the machine. He roped in ever Demonrat power figure in the land and every celebrity endorsement and still got his ass kicked.

    Their is no joy in Mudville tonight, the mighty Casey has struck out…

  3. Bathing in a shower of Demonrat liberal tears…

    Those white suburbans who just overwhelming voted in the 1st black LT Governor and who voted overwhelming for the Pedo are now racist trash to the every shrinking Demonrat powerbase.

    Make no mistake, this is the shot heard round the world and even if they squeak out a win in NJ the Demonrats are now in full metal jacket panic.

    For a liberal godlike powerbroker like Terry the Fairey to loose to an upstart nobody who had zero recognition a few months ago?

    Talk about sending a message. Mcauliffe was a national Demonrat elite. The 1 % of the 1% of the machine. He roped in every Demonrat power figure in the land and every celebrity endorsement and still got his ass kicked.

    There is no joy in Mudville tonight, the mighty Casey has struck out…

  4. Call me jaded but I have no confidence that this is the final result. The Dems must show that they will win, no matter what.

    Do you think that the DOJ will stop or prosecute any overnight shenanigans? Will the media complain? Will establishment Republican leaders in Congress say anything? Would it matter if they did?

    Right is wrong. Down is up. Gender is a personal decision. Two plus two equals five. Dems always win. This is the “reality” we live in.

    If they can pull it off tomorrow, they will have broken us completely. Elections will mean nothing.

    Pleasant dreams. I hope I am wrong.

  5. Only 2 on Fox have I trusted for years. Ingraham and Tucker.

    Rest are all disingenuous liberals.

    But Fox has been the only “news” with an honest to God conservative for 25 years, Minor exception CNN which had Jeff for a few years – many years ago.

  6. Newsmax was making fun of Fox for not calling the election after everyone else already had.

    Here in my small town in Maine the only good news on our local elections is that the black lesbian socialist lost.

  7. Oh!
    The right to food referendum question passed!
    I think the libs in the state thought it was about guaranteeing food to everyone. LOL. Not. It’s about allowing farmers to sell what they want to whom they want.

  8. It helped enormously that McShitforbrains went full commie,

    You never go full commie, his marxist stupidity and “moral” arrogance abrogated the sense of security of the suburban mother bear.

    You never put yourself between mamma and her cubs and McWhitedancer got properly mauled.

    It was glorious to watch the emedia melt down now calling those same mommas ignorant racist insurrectionists. That outta help.

    Suburban women always seem to vote Demonrat because for some insane reason it makes them feel more secure.

    Now that they are finally, finally, finally becoming aware that Demonrats want to replace them with the marxist state they are waking uo.

    Better late than never and not a moment to soon.

  9. If my words are off by a letter it’s because my sausage fingers are hitting both sequential letters on the tiny ass keyboard simultaneously and I sound like an idiot.

    Just let your brain autocorrect since we have lost our edit function.


  10. When McCauliffe cancelled his last rally at Virginia Beach — after seeing the crowds Youngkin was attracting — I was sure he was pulling a Biden and he knew the fix was in via election fraud. I’m sure there was plenty of that anyway.

  11. I can’t believe Youngkin won!!! Fairfax tried to pull some magic but I understand there were a bunch of lawyers there to as witnesses. Praying the dems don’t pull a rabbit outta the hat!

  12. From Billy Bob Faulkingham, the Rep who got the freedom to buy food where you want on the ballot in Maine:

    Representative Billy Bob Faulkingham
    11h ·
    With over 60% of the vote, I am overwhelmed with excitement to share that Maine will be the first in the nation to constitutionally protect food freedom!
    Voting for a constitutional amendment that I sponsored was quite an amazing experience, but I give all my glory to our Lord and Savior.
    I also want to share this glory with all of the grassroots supporters who gave up their nights and weekends to fight for food freedom, as well as the amazing multi-partisan support in the legislature and at the ballot box.
    Our country and our legislature seem more divided than ever, but the Right to Food was the issue that brought Democrats and Republicans together. Maine People love their freedom and their self-sufficiency – and to them it’s not political.
    Once again, the Maine People shut the door on DC lobbyists from away, and chose Liberty. Maine’s rural and independent families know what it’s like to feed their families high-quality food. When they look at their children and grandchildren, they want them to have it the same way: The Way Life Should Be.
    Thank you and Dirigo!


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