Remember….? – IOTW Report


ht/ nm

19 Comments on Remember….?

  1. The difference was that ObolaCare was an active (and admitted) conspiracy by Reid, Pelosi, Obola, and Gruber to deceive and defraud the American people, whereas the Wall is one of the reasons Mr. Trump was elected.
    (not to put too fine a point on it)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Something even more insidious that was foisted on the American people was Common Core. Brought to us by Barack Obama and communist Bill Ayers, it was the ultimate mechanism of Brainwashing kids to permanently corrupt, confuse and cripple a child´s thinking ability so that they cannot excel in the modern world! Parents were not allowed to question it if they even figured out what it was! We just had to like it or lump it!

  3. “We just had to like it or lump it!”

    “Bend over and spread em!”
    No. We don’t have to “take it.”
    Only our apathy and ennui preclude any action.
    If we awake before we hit bottom, there’ll be Hell to pay.

    izlamo delenda est …


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