Remember when Bill Clinton Lost the Nuclear Codes? – IOTW Report

Remember when Bill Clinton Lost the Nuclear Codes?


NTK: As the news media whines about Trump’s nuclear button tweet, a 2010 book revealed that Clinton misplaced the keys to America’s nuclear arsenal for months.

The media lost its collective mind earlier this week when President Trump tweeted that his nuclear button was “bigger & more powerful” than that of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

In an escalating war of words with Kim, the president made sure to remind Pyongyang who has the larger nuclear arsenal. Hint – it’s the United States.

But in a book, written in 2010 by then-chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Hugh Shelton, it was revealed that President Bill Clinton lost the nuclear codes for months at the end of his administration. In contrast to the dogged reporting of the Trump presidency, the press did not uncover that Clinton did not have access to the U.S. nuclear arsenal.  more here

14 Comments on Remember when Bill Clinton Lost the Nuclear Codes?

  1. I don’t know about this, I became interested in Zero Haliburton cases some time ago. This led me down the path of learning about how these nuclear codes are administered and ultimately used in the event they’re needed. Of course there’s likely some classified information the average id10t like me isn’t privy to, but the procedures identified show a lot of effort goes into maintaining the process.

    The codes get stale, there’s a process if they’re lost or stolen, or even if the holder becomes incapacitated or goes off the reservation. Bill or any other president wouldn’t be able to have codes or procedure lost for very long. Further, if someone like a busboy or maid were to find them, they’re completely useless.

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