Remember when candidate Obama secretly communicated with Iran? – IOTW Report

Remember when candidate Obama secretly communicated with Iran?

[From earlier this year]

Patriot Retort: With all the garment rending and pearl-clutching going on in the Enslaved Press over Mike Flynn, I thought it might be a good idea to hop in the Way-Back Machine.

Let’s travel back to 2008 when then candidate Obama was sending secret emissaries to Tehran.

Remember hearing about that?


Well, if you’re a regular reader of, you may recall I wrote about it in 2015. At the time, Democrats were howling over Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other Republicans signing on to a letter to the Ayatollah regarding the Iran Deal.

And once again, it becomes necessary to put a little perspective on current events.

Before the 2008 election, Barack Obama, using back channels, sent a communication to Iran telling them to hold off working with the Bush Administration. He assured them that he would be victorious in the November election and promised that he would be a “friend of Iran.”

Foreign Policy expert Michael Ledeen wrote about this communication at PJ Media back on August 29, 2014:

During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.  MORE

17 Comments on Remember when candidate Obama secretly communicated with Iran?

  1. Or remember when Obama and Eric Holder ran illegal guns to Mexican drug cartels and people, including Americans, were killed?
    Hey! Remember when Obama had the IRS go after anyone or any group that defied him and his policies?
    Oh, and remember when Obama and Hillary allowed Americans to be killed in Benghazi then lied to the world on tv and arrested a guy for making a video? Which violated his first amendment rights.
    Plus Obama’s other legally questionable activities?

    Ya. The media and the left don’t care.

  2. I also remember that when The Logan Act was brought up back then that every news talking head became a defense attorney for Obama.

    The Logan Act??? Pish posh. They don’t even prosecute people with that antiquated law.

    And besides, Obama needed a big head start to clean up Bushitler. Better pass the bank bailout before Inauguration Day too.

    We didn’t want our First Black President to have his economy kneecapped before he got in office.

  3. This whole this h is about Obama trying to undercut Trump in between election day and inauguration. Remember Obama started by kicking diplomats out of the country and make an international scene out of it.

    Trump sends Flynn to tell ask them to not retaliate. Hopefully in exchange to fight ISIS. You know ISIS, the terrorists Obama was paying in Syria and not fighting in Iraq.

    Make them remember. None of this has shit to do with influencing an election.

  4. It sure helps when the DOJ and FBI cover your illegal acts, abuse of national security, deceit, destruction of evidence and ignore subpoenas. Obama, Clinton, Holder and most agency heads in Obama’s administration are still walking free.

    Sadly, Equal Justice has become a cliche’.

  5. “Remember when candidate Obama secretly communicated with Iran”? Yes I do, I also remember when he as pres. llegally sent millions of US tax payers to the illotols.

  6. Buffalo: Billions. With a B. 150 billion.

    Axis of Evil. In the midst of a nuclear build up. Firing on Saudi Arabia through Yemen. Providing IEDs to kill our troops in Iraq. Sending military boats up to our battleships.

    Hard currency of multiple international denominations dropped on a palate. Under the cover of darkness.

    But Flynn lied about whether it was scrambled eggs or an omelet on July 14th, 2016. So collusion o some shit.

  7. Didn’t John Kerry violate the Logan Act when he attempted to sell out the United States to North Vietnam back in the late 60s?

    Wasn’t he acting as a private citizen?

    Isn’t this the same offense?

    Why isn’t he being prosecuted?

    I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

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