Remembering the Democrat Reagan – IOTW Report

Remembering the Democrat Reagan

It’s hard to listen to Reagan’s impassioned voice, the one that we grew to love so much when he was fighting for conservative principles, pushing for democrats.

The video’s point is obvious. Reagan evolved, so why the fear with Trump?

Well, Trump is evolving as I type. That is cause for concern with many people.

Personally, I think Trump wants to be what conservatives want, and he’s willing to be that guy. Yes, he’s evolved a few times on an issue, all within 24 hours. But he always seems to get it right in the end.

I think we can work with that if we have to.

His core belief is Make America Great Again, and I have no concern that this vision is a vision unlike my own.

ht/ Tammy

38 Comments on Remembering the Democrat Reagan

  1. “Yes, he’s evolved a few times on an issue, all within 24 hours. But he always seems to get it right in the end.

    I think we can work with that if we have to.”

    Yep, that;’s my way of thinking as well. I trust Trump more than I do any of the other candidates.

  2. After getting it wrong, then sticking one’s finger in the air to determine how to respond to core issues, leaves me wondering what he’ll be like when he no longer needs to listen to conservatives after he gains the presidency.

    Will he be a populist Conservative or a flip flopping (evolving) political prostitute. Look at the present Congress (or any of the past Congresses), they courted the conservatives before the elections and betrayed them after.

    Don’t misunderstand, if trump is the nominee he has my total support and vote. I’ll wait for him to have an opportunity to prove me wrong. I hope he does.

    Never clinton or sanders, Never.

  3. Reagan went from Democrat to Republican, yes.
    However, unlike Trump, he did not change from being a communist supporting Progressive to being a conservative.
    Reagan was basically forced out of the Democrat party for his anti-communist and pro-USA works.
    Trump’s own campaign manager said on CNN yesterday that Trump is historic because he is proving that a Moderate can win. Paul has been a fixture of the GOP for a very long time, when he says moderate, he knows exactly what he is saying, liberal.

  4. Trump is what the country needs NOW. My two biggest concerns for the country in 2016 are security (a large topic that, for the purposes of this debate, includes immigration) and our decidedly non-robust economy.

    Trump is not going to let bullies like Kim Jon Un, Putin, and ISIS slap us around the way Obama does. He’s going to tell Mexican illegals, “Immigrate THIS, suckers!” And you just know that with Trump as president, we’ll have jobs coming out our asses.

    The fact that today’s crop of special-snowflake college students needs a “safe space” from Trump is just a bonus endorsement.

  5. Trump supported communists here in CA, especially Los Angeles.
    Pelosi was one of the better ones of the group he was pushing
    There is no getting around that issue.
    Reagan just changed parties, not his core political beliefs.

  6. Like I’ve said repeatedly,
    if the internet had existed in 1980,
    Reagan NEVER would have been elected,
    because opponents
    (whether Dems or Repubs of the UNIPARTY)
    would have used the “old cr*p” against him.

    “Shut up!”, Reagan said.
    (start at 5:30)

  7. BFH,
    Didn’t you hear? Trump was a communist, and a fascist, and a recruiting officer for ISIS, and a plant to help Hilary, and, oh yea, a an anti -Semite (bet it disappoints his grandkids), and a racists of course.

    The Boston Globe is doing an over the top bombing raid on the man they consider the number one threat to the progressives this weekend. . . and it ain’t Cruz.

  8. BB. We all know what people have written for Trump and posted on his website.
    We also know what he actually did for most of his life.
    If you believe words trump deeds, then Trump is your man.
    Of course, Hillary is also adept at talking a good game so you have a backup position.

  9. BB
    sorry, I forgot that Trump arrived on this earth just a few years ago and any talk of what he supposedly (after all he was not even here) did in the past is heresy or ‘opinion’.
    I have seen several of those “Trump got cheated” stories, along “Cruz got cheated” and “Bernie got cheated”. there have even been “Jeb got cheated” stories.
    If you enjoy fantasizing about people calling to arms over these tales, go ahead and wear you camo while plotting with other keyboard warriors. We adults have work to do.

  10. Gosh JohnS, I want to be like you when I grow up.

    All you have are your opinions, and you don’t get the point I was trying to make. Not surprising. One too many wire nuts I guess.

  11. Bad_Brad, I hate Trump’s income tax policy. He supports a progressive tax with all the current deductions. A progressive tax gives power to congress to pick winners and losers. Cruz wants to abolish the current tax code and go with a flat tax that eliminates the need for the IRS. To me, that is a bigger issue than immigration. The progressive tax code is what keeps shitty politicians in power.

    On many of his other issues, I agree with half his stated positions on that policy, and disagree with the other half of his stated positions on that policy. His positions sometimes don’t last long enough for me to type an opinion on.

  12. Since finding out Cruz didnt support giving compensation to 911 rescuers changed my mind on voting for him if he wins nomination. How was that any different than Hillary not helping military in Benghazi? At least theirs was a fast death.

  13. Menderman. Cruz pushing a VAT is a serious warning sign.
    We business owners are already the primary tax collectors and suffer under laws that make it illegal to tell our employees, and often even our customers, how much they are paying in taxes.
    A VAT is just another method of offloading the problem onto us.
    Trumps plan is status quo and solves nothing, but at least it doesn’t foist another proven failure of an idea down our throats.

  14. Yes, JohnS, I do have some concerns about the “corporate” tax Cruz has proposed, but getting the flat tax at least on the table is big. I am a self employed business owner, semi retired, and have had employees in the past, so I understand your point. Cruz says it is not a VAT, but it looks like a VAT, walks like a VAT and quacks like a VAT. Still, Ted’s plan trumps Donald’s plan every day of the week!

  15. Menderman, Cruz himself called it a VAT.
    The problem with a VAT is that taxes can be raised by merely altering what constitutes a ‘value added transaction’. A look at Europe will bring this into focus.
    From a a technical standpoint, every process of movement of a product exists to add value. A hair dryer could be taxed thousands of times between dirt and consumer.
    In Europe, the paperwork is stifling as all this crap has to be accounted for and tracked.
    As bad as the current system is, it is far superior to a VAT.
    It would be far better for Cruz to cut spending rather than add another layer of taxation.

  16. A discussion without me being called names!?
    Heart be still! Just kidding.
    I don’t think there should be a corporate tax at all.
    A flat 10% tax on income, no deductions, no exemptions, starting from dollar one with payment in kind counting as income coupled with a small (say 2-3%) import/export fee would bring in more than $2 trillion right out the gate and the economy would explode.
    Under that, many, Trump included, would pay a lot more in taxes as all the perks would count as income. Also, everyone would have skin in the game making raising taxes all but impossible in the future.
    The corporate tax is double taxation. Removing it would create an incentive for corporations to be solvent. It would also remove the incentive to sit on huge amounts of cash as many are doing now.

  17. I agree on a zero corporate tax, but I do believe there should be a a threshold for when that tax starts. A person making 10K a year should not need to file a tax return. Ted proposes a 35K limit. I think it should be the same as the poverty line, per state. I am sure you agree that the progressive tax scheme needs to go….right?

    BTW, 10% won’t be high enough. As I understand it, 16-20% is closer to what we need to make it work.

    Also, an export fee? Really? Why?

  18. BB, I can disagree with Cruz, or just about anyone and have a rational conversation.
    However, if I am talking to a Bernie, Hillary, or Trump supporter and disagree, I get called names.
    Go figure.

  19. JohnS, your main purpose here is to belittle Trump. Not hard to figure out. You showed up a relative short time ago. I’m wondering if you’ll still be around after the primaries? Don’t blow kisses at me and tell me you have no agenda It’s pretty clear.

  20. Menderman I was giving a little jab to BB and Czar.
    Probably picked a bad time to do it.
    BB when I created this name here, I was actually a trump supporter. What happened at the Treehouse, and here, caused me great concern. I am used to no dissent allowed when at Huffingglue or the DailyKKKo’s,. I had never encountered it on right of center sites until Trump came along.
    The sites I enjoyed for years have all become indistinguishable from the Progressive ones.
    Has that made me dislike the person behind the change?
    In a word, yes.

  21. Menderman 10% would not be enough if deductions or exemptions were allowed. For round numbers just look at 10% of the GDP.
    The import/export fee is based on the fact that their is a governmental cost to inspection and regulation of imports and having the military might to dissuade trading partners from not paying us is also a cost.
    I would accept the income tax being abolished, but we would have to start over to go there.
    Why shouldn’t everyone have skin in the game?
    If we are equal under the law, we should be just that.
    Creating a protected class of citizens is wrong no matter who they are.
    Also, by setting an arbitrary bar, you disincentives people from going over it as is the case with the current welfare system

  22. JohnS, if that’s the case it would explain the weak case you continually make. Nobody would be better for Biz than Trump. Yet you hate him. A canudrum for sure coming from a Silicoln Valley business man. Kinda seems like bull shit to me.

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