Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-Tx) Lee Dies At 74-Years-Old – IOTW Report

Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-Tx) Lee Dies At 74-Years-Old

Daily Caller:

Democratic Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee died Friday evening at 74-years-old, according to an announcement from her office.

In a statement published on the late Texas lawmaker’s X (formerly known as Twitter) account, Lee’s office announced the passing and acknowledged her work within the state. While it is unclear what the cause of death was, Lee revealed in early June she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. more

47 Comments on Rep. Sheila Jackson (D-Tx) Lee Dies At 74-Years-Old

  1. It’s not polite to speak ill if the dead, so I won’t. But it’s good she’s out of public office of any kind. But how can her moronic constituents tell?

  2. No, Ms. Lee, Management is NOT interested in implementing recially exclusive set-asides at this time; you are welcome to file a complaint, however, just go over to that DOWN escalator and it will take to to where the lawyers are…

  3. *ticks box*

    Ok, THAT was a big one, helps my diversity score though.

    Let’s see… *scrutinizes list*

    …hmm…Trump got crossed off for some reason, but they added a new guy…not sure who “Lying Pedophile Fraud” is, better ask the Boss for a foto…

  4. Here we go.

    *enters room*

    Welcome to Hell, Ms. Lee. We have a busy eternety of torment planned for you, so let’s…what?

    No, you CAN’T have a bottled water, you”re DEAD.

    No, it’s NOT because you’re Black. It’s because you’re DEAD.

    …no, not “Fed”, DEAD. D…E…A…D.

    *checks notes*

    I see. Ebonics. OK, you’se been offed, girrrl. Iced. 187. You’se be D…E…D. I beas that Devil cracka you’se beas heared ’bout, now I’se gwanna poke you ass wit a fork, gnome sane?


    Yes, you CAN see a lawyer. You can see ALL the lawyers, they ALL end up here sooner or later. I don’t know what that Pete guy told you Upstairs, but they can’t get you out of NUFFIN.


    NO ONE CARES IF YOU’RE BLACK! You’re in HELL girl, EVERYONE’S burnt black HERE!

    Now quit stalling and come along, we got…*sudden inspiration*…we got the Mars rover over here. Yeah, remember how you wanted them to drive the Mars rover over to where those honkies landed on the Moon, and that racist cracka refused to do it because you Black? Well, WE will take you there, the control room is juuuust on the other side of this Lake of Fire, lets hurry before the YT’s take what belongs to YOUR people…

  5. Somebody go check her former staffer Jerome Brooks. He had a axe to grind with Sh—oh wait…He died a few months ago of an “accidental drug overdose”. Never mind.

  6. Did she die of a hissy fit because one of her slaves talked about Trump’s miraculous save from an assassin’s bullet?

    Or did she accidentally turn on the news to see the glorious ending of the RNC?

  7. Can’t for her now, she is dead, but I do hope she found Jesus before she expired.

    It is not easy to pray for someone who has lied to you and hated on your thier whole lives.

  8. Jackson-Lee was a vile human being, born of ignorance and hate. God in His grace and mercy gave her a good life – a leadership role and opportunity to do good by everyone, which she refused to do.

    Yet, again God in His mercy and grace provide a way for her to receive His forgiveness through Christ if she repented. For her sake, hope she chose to accept Christ as her Savior and Lord. The heart’s desire of a true and loving God.


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