Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Loses Houston Mayor Runoff – IOTW Report

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Loses Houston Mayor Runoff


Houston elected Democratic state Sen. John Whitmire as its next mayor on Saturday night, elevating a Texas lawmaker who has represented the city for 50 years by giving him a victory over U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee in a runoff.

Whitmire, 74, who is one of Texas’ most powerful Democratic legislators, will now be at the helm of America’s fourth-largest city. His campaign focused on reducing crime, improving streets and bringing people together. He heavily outspent Jackson Lee, who was running to become Houston’s first Black female mayor. More

27 Comments on Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Loses Houston Mayor Runoff

  1. Houston just dodged a bullet by electing Whitmire. He’s still a democrat, but at least he isn’t black.There are too many examples of what happens to major cities who do.

  2. No wonder. At first, didn’t she tell people to vote on the 8th? I figure there must be about six digits of lofo’s going “WTF?”

    Keep up the good losing work, honey bun.

  3. It was only 64.4% to 35.6 %. I think there should be a recount. Oddly enough, Lee got the same percentage yesterday as she did in the November election when there were five candidate. I guess she had her base of voters who weren’t going to vote for anyone else, but no one else wanted her. Many of her votes are probably in her district and that is why she keeps getting re-elected.

    I know she and her people will blame it on being outspent, but I think it is more that many people just did not want anything to do with her. While it is an abomination to have her in the House, at least she is one of 435. In Houston, she could have really screwed things up — a Joe Biden but on a local level.

    I got in and out to vote in five minutes yesterday. I read that voter turnout in November was 21%. I think they were expecting maybe 19% yesterday.

    Mrs. RMM was surprised at the people holding campaign signs at the polling place. I pointed out the 100 foot sign, and no one was inside that area.

  4. This ignorant woman was nothing but an imbecilic conduit between the Demonrat powerbase in Texas and the national grift machine.

    She was just another useful black idiot, blacks literally would elect and reelect a rock to if was useful to maintain power. The SJL, the Pedo and Commieliar are living proof of this.

    SJL was a grunting, nasty, obnoxious, and deeply stupid person during her decades long “career”. Say what you will about the GOP but at least there is a minimum intelligence requirement…

  5. Being a Democrat you can he will do the opposite of what he promised.
    So more crime, no street repair and promoting more racism.
    More protests and throw in a mass shooting or two.

  6. Cmmnccguy: Yeah, I was wary of that in November, but I doubt any of the other candidates was any better — and none of them polled in double digits. It was Whitmire or Lee.

  7. “His campaign focused on reducing crime, improving streets and bringing people together.”

    What, he’s going to try and un-do what his party has managed to accomplish over the last 100 years?

  8. The district she represented is full of constituents as bat sh*t crazy and stupid as her. Scary. Thank goodness the rest of Houston has slightly better judgement – only slightly. They still voted for a Democrat. Yeah, I know a RINO wouldn’t have been any better.


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