Report Finds BDS Movement Trying To “Normalize” Anti-Semitism – IOTW Report

Report Finds BDS Movement Trying To “Normalize” Anti-Semitism


For the past 20 years, Israel has been the target of a delegtimization campaign led by so-called “civil rights” groups that are backed-by foreign designated terror organizations.

In recent years, antisemitism has been on the rise throughout the world. Today, this ancient evil is being transformed into an anti-Zionist ideology.

“The New Anti-Semites” report documents how the delegitimization effort, as disseminated by the “Boycott, Divest and Sanctions” (BDS) Movement, together with the alt Right and radical Left, is creating a threatening environment that normalizes antisemitism, something that history has shown to have deadly consequences.

Link to Full Report Here

12 Comments on Report Finds BDS Movement Trying To “Normalize” Anti-Semitism

  1. Islam. Can’t live with people like that. Can you imagine being born into some freakshow culture that demands that a small boy practice killing ‘the west’ or anyone else who gets in their way, and the small girls are used as sex toys for 20 year old men – unless the boy is prettier.

  2. BDS includes all most every “Mainline” “Christian” Denomination in the US especially those composed of snowflake gospel adherents who believe Jesus was a Palestinian refugee.

    They’ve been trying to “divest” funds in anything Israeli since the 1990’s (look it up)

    It’s not just “Commies and Ragheads”

  3. Israel from its illegal, British backed Balfour Declaration beginning has been a criminal entity. Even its flag is adorned with a satanic, occult star. The Star of David is in reality, Jesus Christ who was rejected as their own Messiah by the Jews. Why would anyone boycott Israel? There are reasons.

    Published on
    Monday, July 27, 2015
    Why I Support the BDS Movement Against Israel
    byChris Hedges
    “Gaza, a year after Israel carried out a devastating bombing campaign that lasted almost two months, is in ruins. Most of the water is unsafe to drink. There are power outages for up to 12 hours a day. Forty percent of the 1.8 million inhabitants are unemployed, including 67 percent of the youths—the highest youth unemployment rate in the world. Of the 17,000 homes destroyed by Israel in the siege, not one has been rebuilt. Sixty thousand people remain homeless. Only a quarter of the promised $3.5 billion in aid from international donors has been delivered—much of it diverted to the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli puppet regime that governs the West Bank. And no one in Washington—Republican or Democrat—will defy the Israel lobby. No one will call for justice or stay the Israeli killing machine. U.S. senators, including Bernie Sanders, at the height of the Israeli bombardment last summer voted unanimously to defend the Israeli slaughter of a people with no army, navy, air force, mechanized units, artillery or command and control. It was a vote worthy of the old Soviet Union. Every senator held out his or her tin cup to the Israel lobby and chose naked self-interest over justice.”

    Monday, December 16, 2019
    Official List of Revisionist Scholars Persecuted / Imprisoned for Questioning the “Holocaust” AKA Up Yours President Tubby
    Now that Zion Don has made VERBOTEN any questions about the BIGGEST FRAUD of the 20th Century–if not all time–it’s time to push back and regain our sacrosanct Freedom of Speech.

    Zion Don has used the Presidential EO–Executive Order–to declare it forbidden to state that the holoHOAX is a fraud or to say that Israel is an apartheid regime that is exterminating the indigenous Palestinians out of existence.

    Photos of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza [Very graphic]
    By Global Research
    Global Research, December 07, 2012
    Global Research 30 January 2008
    Global Research Editorial Note

    The atrocities of the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank directed against the Palestinian people are part of an ongoing process.

    Recently, in the Gaza Strip, there has been an escalation of these atrocities.

    In a bitter irony, this escalation of violence coincided with the U.S. President’s arrival in Israel. This is the peace process that the White House, Tel Aviv, and the Arab regimes (the so-called “moderates”) are talking about: death and destruction.

    The following are grim and saddening photographs of the ongoing crimes against the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip.

    There has been little done and said worldwide about how an entire nation is in captivity. Palestinians are prisoners in their own homes and ancestral lands, which have been transformed into a concentration camp.

    These photographs presented to the readers of Global Research re-call the barbaric 2006 Israeli bombardment of Lebanese civilians, many of whom were young children.

    The world watches in silence and without shame. Who are the real terrorists?

  4. That’s strange “tRuth” your material all seems to only run one way, ant-Israel.
    Remind me again who attacked who when Israel was founded? Who killed the athletes in Munich in ’72?
    What nation in the middle east is multi-culture / multi-religious while all around it the neighbors are ethnically cleansing minorities, destroying antiquities and fighting other sects of their religion?

    Go peddle your hate at Salon or HuffPo or Raw Story. I’m sure they’ll all chime in with positive responses to your brand of bigotry.

  5. @Hans December 17, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    > BDS includes all most every “Mainline” “Christian” Denomination in the US

    That’s why we’ve got evangelicals. The whole “checks and balances” schpiel.

  6. I have found that the discussion of, and existence of Israel causes foaming at the mouth, bleeding from the eyes, and loss of Iq points worth of civility.

    It continues to prove the church lady right … Satan and his minions continue to target the Jewish people and those that follow God’s resurrected Son Jesus Christ “as the the way, the truth, and the life.”

    Now that will really set them off.

  7. At one point someone says that Jews have been persecuted for 2,000 years, but that is not the historical truth. Jews have been persecuting Christians for 2,000 years because of Jesus Christ whom they put to death– the man they hated who came as their own Messiah, the Son of God. To elevate Judaism into a federally protected religion is against Constitutional Law. Trump’s Executive Order doing so is a violation of his oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Legally he could be impeached for this offense, but with the majority of Congress being Jews, it isn’t likely.

    Trump Has a Hanukkah Party
    Brother Nathananel – Real Jew News Dec 17, 2019

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