Report: Kamala Harris Is Unhappy Living in 70,000-Square-Foot Mansion – IOTW Report

Report: Kamala Harris Is Unhappy Living in 70,000-Square-Foot Mansion

Western Journal-

While millions of struggling Americans are unemployed amid the pandemic, Kamala Harris has more important concerns: She’s upset that her taxpayer-funded vice presidential mansion hasn’t been renovated yet.

Because of renovation delays, Harris has had to make do with the living in the palatial Blair House, the sprawling 70,000-square-foot presidential guest quarters across the street from the White House.

“She is getting frustrated,” CNN quoted an administration official as saying Sunday. So far, an exact move-in date has not been scheduled. read more

23 Comments on Report: Kamala Harris Is Unhappy Living in 70,000-Square-Foot Mansion

  1. She won’t lift a finger to move anything. If I’m not mistaken Blair House has a kitchen.

    In the meantime, out here in the real world, my daughter and son in law will not have their lease renewed. Landlord wants to go all subsidized.
    A one room apt over here is now $1000- $1300 per month because of subsidized housing and frigging out of staters driving up market rates.

    But Kommmiela. Now there’s someone with big problems, eh?

    She’s probably frustrated with Obiden’s and her puppet masters not moving along more quickly to retire Pedo Joe.

  2. Anonymous
    MARCH 31, 2021 AT 9:34 AM
    “If she’ll just be a little patient she can move out of that slummy old Blair place and directly into the White House.”

    …but the White House won’t be available to her for move-in fir awhile after they get rid of Joe because it’s filled with “old man stink”. You know, that nursing home stench of denture breath, unemptied Depends, overflowing catheters, Ben-Gay ointment, unwashed bodies, improperly treated bedsores, unchanged sheets, and spilled pudding that hit you like a wall of smell back when you could walk into a nursing home?

    ..yeah, like that.

    …because DOCTOR Jill, Ed.PhD, ain’t no NURSE Jill, so I’m pretty sure she just neglects that disgusting old pedophile that she has ZERO interest in other than political ambition and social climbing, and we’ve already seen that no Joe SS or synchophant will come to his aid, because he has many servants but no friends. All men below you covet your station, but this is the OPPOSITE of liking YOU.

    And we’ll shed no tears for a looney old, neurosyphallis addled beast of a pedophile finding himself alone and unloved and soon to be unmourned at the end of his worthless, sadistic life, but it all adds up to The Whore having to complain about accommodations AGAIN when Joe is pushed off the stage by Soros or his Chinese masters, and left unsaid is that the White House is ALSO closed to allowing illegal immigrants to live there, althogh I’m sure they are welcome to garden or do laundry and the young ones used to slake The Pedophile’s lusts while he yet lives, althogh they are likely murdered at the end…

  3. Beachmom
    MARCH 31, 2021 AT 9:48 AM

    “But Kommmiela. Now there’s someone with big problems, eh?”

    …well, there was this crazy NYC chick bartender who scored BIG when she got a Government job, so this psycho will probably be OK too…

  4. Mediocrity of Color, handed a well-paying, do-nothing job and complaining about everything. She’s Michelle Obama with a hyena laugh instead of a scowl. Man, I wish everybody had to wear masks back in Barky’s regime.

  5. Isn’t there a story or movie about a Blair house being haunted? (I’m old and dont remember) well if this is the same house then maybe she fits right in but doesnt know it yet. 🤔

  6. She is a particularly nasty piece of work. I don’t recognize any redeeming qualities in her whatsoever. It is not possible for a progressive to ever find joy and live a fulfilling life. Their embrace of wickedness and evil methods to advance their personal agenda makes that an impossibility.

  7. “She sucks.”

    Heh heh heh … she do mo dan dat!
    She sucks, blows, nibbles, gnaws, takes that tongue “round the world,” fingers my ass while doing it, and SWALLOWS!

    She’s all right – b’lieve me – she OK.

    If anybody can get through to the oligarchs of Russia and China – it’s her!

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