Report: North Korea Privately Asking for COVID-19 Aid While Reporting Zero Cases – IOTW Report

Report: North Korea Privately Asking for COVID-19 Aid While Reporting Zero Cases

AG: Officials in North Korea, which has yet to report any cases of COVID-19 within its borders, are privately asking for medical aid, according to reports.

Both the Financial Times and Reuters reported last week that the Norks privately reached out to officials in other countries for aid, even though, officially the number of reported cases in the country remains at zero. more

14 Comments on Report: North Korea Privately Asking for COVID-19 Aid While Reporting Zero Cases

  1. When this “crisis” is over , You know right after the election, we’ll begin to transform into that One World government the Democrats have been working toward. Watching everyone turn in their neighbors for taking a walk, and calling law enforcement on neighbors who have more than 4 cars in their driveway has been eye opening and sad. Americans are so easily manipulated by government, & eager to be Hitler youths. My spirit is nearly broken at this point. Not on topic with my comment, but needed to rant.


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