Report: Repeat offender captured on video pushing elderly woman – IOTW Report

Report: Repeat offender captured on video pushing elderly woman


Outkick: The NYPD has a suspect in custody after he was caught on camera assaulting a 92-year-old woman in Gramercy Park, according to CBS2.

It turns out, this man, Rashid Brimmage, 31, who just walked by and nonchalantly pushed the elderly woman isn’t a stranger to the authorities. Police say Brimmage has been arrested about 101 times. No, really. He’s a registered sex offender; arrests include assault, harassment, resisting arrest, and persistent sexual abuse. more

24 Comments on Report: Repeat offender captured on video pushing elderly woman

  1. What a good Democrat, probably AOC, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib will all come to his rescue. Poor misunderstood young man. ought to have the shit kicked out of him, or sent to prison with a “Beat up grandma tag”.

  2. and the hits just keep coming from Cuomo.
    This is a result of the bail reform law that he put through.
    If he can’t kill the elderly in nursing homes, he can get these
    thugs to walk to the streets and do it for him.

  3. This piece of shit has been arrested, and it now makes it 104 TIMES (according to news report I heard) that the sonovabitch has been incarcerated. As I like to say, “Get a rope, find a tree and let’s end it!” :^#

  4. If he had done that to my mother I would be hard pressed not to want to beat the snot out of him. My mom was almost 93 when she passed away 2 years ago and I don’t take kindly to anyone beating up defenseless old ladies. And whatever happened to 3 strikes and you’re out. And why is this asshole not in prison for life for being arrested over 100 times.

  5. He was in a hurry to get to choir practice and the little old lady was holding him up by being on the sidewalk at the same time he was! His mother has rushed to his defense calling him a good boy that din du nutin and the mayor and governor are going to award him ‘Woke Citizen of the Year’ plus Hollywood actors have gone on strike until ‘bad black boy lives matter’!

  6. Will the leftie cancel culture go after this asshole or make him the leader of Chaz/Chop or whatever the shithole is called today?


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