Republican Michigan Senate Candidate John James Hopes To Upend Washington With Military Efficiency – IOTW Report

Republican Michigan Senate Candidate John James Hopes To Upend Washington With Military Efficiency

Daily Caller: Republican Senate candidate John James often invokes the phrase “the American Dream” in describing what motivated his entrance into politics — a lofty phrase the political novice seems uniquely qualified to wield given his background.

The son of a self-made Detroit businessman, John attended West Point before heading overseas in 2007 to fly combat missions in Operation Iraqi Freedom. He returned home to help run the family’s global supply chain logistics company, where he achieved immediate success — increasing revenue from roughly $35 million in 2012 to $137 million as of 2017, while creating over 100 jobs along the way. Having risen to president of James International, his thoughts turned once again to public service.

“The reason that I left Detroit the first time to serve, is the same reason I came back to Detroit, but rather than serving my country, I wanted to serve my community,” James told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “During operation Iraqi Freedom, I remember seeing images of my home, Detroit, and my family and friends back here in the state of Michigan, who were suffering and I didn’t feel like there were people in Washington fighting hard enough for the people in the state of Michigan so I resolved to do what I could.”

At just 36-years-old old and lacking political experience, James’ Senate bid is certainly ambitious. Just 68 of the 1,971 senators that have served since Congress convened in 1789 were sworn in before their 36th birthday.  more here

6 Comments on Republican Michigan Senate Candidate John James Hopes To Upend Washington With Military Efficiency


    He is possibly the only productive African American in Detroit, and they badly need him there.

    Trying to escape? Nice try buddy, but you gotta stay there and help.

  2. One of those 68 senators who was sworn in before turning 36 was Teddy Kennedy, whose seat was previously held by his brother who relinquished it upon becoming president, then was held by a friendly proxy for a couple of years until Teddy turned 30 and had it handed to him.
    Boy did Teddy work hard during his life…

  3. Never met a black republican in Detroit area. Media will go after him big time here with the usual black democrats leading the way. Get ready for Uncle Tom Mr. James.

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