Republican Senator Demands Answers From WH For Hunter Biden’s Continued Stake In Chinese Firm – IOTW Report

Republican Senator Demands Answers From WH For Hunter Biden’s Continued Stake In Chinese Firm


Republican Montana Sen. Steve Daines sent a Wednesday letter to President Joe Biden asking him about his son, Hunter Biden, who continues to hold a minority stake in a Chinese private equity firm 100 days into Biden’s term, the Daily Caller has learned.

Hunter Biden holds a 10% equity stake in BHR Partners through his company, Skaneateles LLC, according to business records about Chinese corporations based on China’s National Credit Information Publicity System reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF). more

12 Comments on Republican Senator Demands Answers From WH For Hunter Biden’s Continued Stake In Chinese Firm

  1. They got it backwards: Why is a Chinese representative from Skaneateles LLC involved with the U.S. Government with his Dad as President? These two were never about America, only the dollars from China.

  2. Talk, talk,talk – when are these Republican going to do anything?

    So sick of this bullshit: they ride on inertia, kiss ass to the democrat, then jump aboard OUR outrage train – until they duck for cover again.

    NEVER trust the Republican party – it is too deeply infested with the likes of Cheny and Romney (witness the current dildo of a Chairwoman).

    Trump is the gold standard. DeSantis is the silver. Kristi Noem is the bronze. Niki Haley is the tin. Cheney and Romney are the feces.

  3. Come on man, you people need to relax. Them chinky bastards ain’t running the Joe Show. Nobody buys Joe! JOE sells Joe! I’m my own Irish American fruit jar, hoss, so you wanna piece o’ me? We’ll do a push-up contest and I’ll slap you upside the melon with the FBI so fast you’ll cry like a Little Debbie oatmeal pie.

  4. The Republicans need to ask why people like Josh Duggar get arrested for having child porn on his computer but Hunter walks free when he has pictures of himself in numerous acts of actual pedophilia sex with little girls.

  5. Demanding answers may look good to Republican voters but they accomplish nothing of importance.

    If anything, they’re just a diversion to make it look like they’re doing something while keeping voters from noticing they really aren’t.

  6. Where is McCarthy, Scalise, and McCONnell?
    McCONnell may be concerned about his family’s huge holdings in China.
    GOP leadership is a ship of establishment fools.


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