Republican Who Impeached Trump Learns a Hard Lesson About His New Friends – IOTW Report

Republican Who Impeached Trump Learns a Hard Lesson About His New Friends

RedState: Rep. Peter Meijer, a Republican representing Michigan’s 3rd district, is currently locked in a fierce primary battle with former Trump official John Gibbs. What makes the race newsworthy, though, is the fact that Meijer voted to impeach Donald Trump in January of 2021, and that has led to some very interesting dynamics in the race.

The biggest controversy surrounds a large ad buy from the DCCC promoting Gibbs as the Trump candidate. And though on the surface it appears to be an attack, it follows a pattern in other races of Democrats highlighting Trump-endorsed candidates as a way to boost them in the primaries. The DCCC’s plan is to then turn around and accuse those very same candidates of being threats to “democracy,” with the idea being they are easier to beat.

That’s left Meijer, a “centrist” Republican, indignant that the Democrats would pull such an underhanded move against someone who joined them to impeach Trump. Seriously, his op-ed is one of the most pathetic I’ve ever read.

Meijer opens by bragging that he was the “first incoming freshman” to recognize Biden’s “presidential victory.” I’m not sure why he thinks that’s noteworthy, but alright. more here

14 Comments on Republican Who Impeached Trump Learns a Hard Lesson About His New Friends

  1. You… stupid… fuck… What do you think democrats are? They’re demons. You don’t make friends with them. You don’t ally yourself with them. They will always fuck you over at their first convenience… dumbass.

  2. Hey Meijer, look up the meaning of this: “if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas”

    Your (never were your) friends are infested with them.

  3. Damned shame he’s only losing his job instead of … well … something more valuable.

    A traitor to his party, to his State, and to his Country.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @AbigalAdams
    They kind of already had one.

    “John Gibbs is too conservative for West Michigan”.

    I guess if you are even slightly conservative in the Grand Rapids area.. well, that’s just too much!

  5. He lost!!!

    With 88.2% of votes counted, Gibbs received 51.9% and Meijer garnered 48.1%.

    And Jason’s right; Tudor Dixon won! She is the strongest candidate to beat the wicked Whitmer.

    Please, God, be merciful and let Whitmer go down in FLAMES!

    And John James won the primary for MI US Rep … no contest! 87 percent of the vote!


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