Researchers Work on Procedure to ‘Brew Blood’ to Fight Blood Disorders – IOTW Report

Researchers Work on Procedure to ‘Brew Blood’ to Fight Blood Disorders

Breitbart: George Murphy, PhD, a stem cell scientist at the Center for Regenerative Medicine at Boston Medical Center, says he and his team are working on growing personalized blood cells in the lab for patients with sickle cell disorders and other diseases that often require that patients undergo blood transfusions, according to CBS Boston.

“We like to actually work on diseases that directly impact this under-served community, one of which is sickle cell disease,” Murphy said. “In essence, sort of brew blood.”

Under the procedure, researchers take a small sample of the patient’s blood, reprogram the red blood cells into master stem cells, and then coax them back into red blood cells unique to each patient.

This process would allow researchers to grow blood cells over and over again.

“We could actually make a stem cell line from those particular patients who suffer from sickle cell disease,” stated Murphy.

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