Rest in Peace, Tuna – IOTW Report

Rest in Peace, Tuna

Bman just informed me that Tuna had to be put down.

“Tuna came to me when he was about 7 weeks old in February of 2004 when I lived in Oregon before moving to North Dakota.  Yes, he was over 20 years old.  Again, thank you.” – Bman

Tuna with his sidekick Sushi. I painted that in 2020. I am pleased to have been chosen for that honor.

20 Comments on Rest in Peace, Tuna

  1. Great looking puddy-cat. So sorry to hear about the passing of your loyal companion.

    Not trying to sound like Bill Clinton, but I do feel your pain.

  2. Ah, Tuna was 20! That’s amazing and it shows he had a great life and a happy home. (((Hugs))) to you BMan, I’m sorry to hear about your beloved kitty. 💐

  3. Beautiful cat. 20 years is a testament to the love and care he received. I am sorry for your loss and hope Tuna is running in catnip fields with other IOTR cats who have passed.

  4. Bman, sorry for the pain of loss that always accompanies our beloved pets. 20 years is indeed a long life with many memories that you will cherish forever.


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