Retiring Raul – IOTW Report

Retiring Raul


Cuba turned the page on the Castro era on Monday with the ruling Communist Party electing President Miguel Diaz-Canel to replace Raul Castro as party chief although he said he would continue to consult his predecessor on strategic decisions.

The succession marks the end of six decades of rule by brothers Fidel and Raul Castro, who led a 1959 revolution in the Caribbean island nation of 11 million, installing a Communist-run country on the doorstep of the United States.

The mantle now passes, in a carefully orchestrated transition, to a younger generation that worked its way up the party ranks rather than forging itself through guerrilla warfare. More

17 Comments on Retiring Raul

  1. The scepter passes and the slaves will STILL be 3 days from starvation.
    I pity the Cuban people – Cuba has sucked since the 1500s.

    socializmo delenda est …
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. May Raul contract a painful disease that the Cuban socialized “ideal” medicine won’t be able to cure. And may he die a long, slow, lingering death.

  3. The comment about “Trudeau’s Uncle” was spot on! As a Canadian, I would like to see Trudeau go to Cuba to become the next Presidente for Life and leave Canadians alone.
    One can hope…

  4. ^^^^^ They can share fond memories of the sound of Maggie’s head banging against the drywall while Fidel was busy creating him/her/it/zer.


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