Revenge Porn – IOTW Report

Revenge Porn


Woman is awarded half a million bucks in civil suit. Lawmakers are seeking a way to criminalize it.

14 Comments on Revenge Porn

  1. She probably made a good civil case for intentional infliction of emotional distress and invasion of privacy.

    Criminally, one could argue that publishing such private video was the result of an extortion demand not met.

    Best policy all around: screw people who do this (pardon the pun) let the chips fall where they may, but decide the extortion element on a case by case basis.

  2. I know I speak for every liberal when I say that the only strangers who should be allowed to watch the most intimate moments of your life without your consent are NSA workers hacking your webcam.

    Where’s my $500k?

  3. Seems to me that the photos were a “gift”, and as such he was free to do whatever he wanted with them. He was stupid for publishing them on a revenge site. Had he put them on an “art” website she would have had no case. I have no sympathy for either one. No doubt both are Obama voters.

  4. Suppose wifey has some boudoir photos taken that are not nude but revealing. She gives them to hubby and then they get divorced. Can he post them? Why not, seeing as how they were a gift?

    What if during the divorce she does NOT ask for the photos to be part of the settlement? What if she doesn’t mention them at all? Does that mean hubby gets possession of them by default? If so, can he post them then? Why not? Should she be allowed to sue if he does post them, since she KNEW of their existence but said ZILCH about them during the divorce?

    As you can see, sometimes juries are pretty stupid.

  5. “Maybe I’m just getting too cynical but I really don’t give a shit what stupid people do to each other anymore.”

    ITA. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  6. The intent of publishing is to harm so I am fine with criminalizing it.

    Exploiting personal relationships and personal secrets of your former loved one is so low in my book, I have understanding for them being harmed afterwards.

    Anyone who enters a relationship with such a douche bag that does this can expect the same breech of trust.

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