RFK Jr. Warns Against Vaccinating Chickens For Bird Flu – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. Warns Against Vaccinating Chickens For Bird Flu

Zero HedgeU.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. advised against providing vaccines to poultry amid a bird flu outbreak that has caused a steep increase in egg prices in recent months.

In an interview with Fox News on March 11, Kennedy said his primary concern with providing shots to egg-laying chickens is that the vaccine doesn’t provide complete protection against avian influenza.

“All of my agencies advise against vaccination of birds because if you vaccinate with a leaky vaccine—in other words, a vaccine that does not provide sterilizing immunity, that does not absolutely protect against the disease—you turn those flocks into mutation factories,” he said in the interview. more here

15 Comments on RFK Jr. Warns Against Vaccinating Chickens For Bird Flu

  1. They’re just Hell-Bent for Leather to get that shit into our systems any way they can. Now they’re trying to back-door it into us…. that and keep their vaccine assembly line moving to maintain that Filthy Lucre revenue stream!

  2. Oh yeah, let’s just keep “fixing” shit that the body is able to fight off so that one day our immune systems won’t be able to, making the vaccines mandatory for real!

  3. In 1972, EPA issued a cancellation order for DDT based on its adverse environmental effects, such as those to wildlife, as well as its potential human health risks. Since then, studies have continued, and a relationship between DDT exposure and reproductive effects in humans is suspected, based on studies in animals. In addition, some animals exposed to DDT in studies developed liver tumors.

    Sooooooooooooo.. has anyone, ANYONE, drawn any parelllels too injecting chickens with MRNA vaccines in the same way as THEY THEMSELVES have determined the long term effects of vaccinating chickens?

    They are vilolating their own rules for God’s sake!

  4. Search duckduckgo for Marek’s disease leaky vaccine ( https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Marek%27s+disease+leaky+vaccine&ia=web ) to see why the vax mafia is so avidly trying to get their chicken jab into the poultry bidniss. Their vaccine will with 100% certainty be leaky, will cause the avian flu virus to mutate into more virulent and vax-resistant strains, and force chicken farmers to start jabbing every single chicken, directing a firehose of money to the vax mobsters, forever.

    Money. Money. Money-money-money.

  5. i suppose the “leaky” measles vaccine falls in this category. I was hoping a disease would come along that just killed stupid people. I guess just about any disease would work. Rest in peace, folks

  6. Uncle Al – Exactly! Its all about the money. They have violated their own logic. They said they DDT didn’t want DDT getting into the food chain.
    Well what the Hell is the vaccine going to do????
    Since they all ready knew, or at least stated, that we should avoid things like this getting into the food chain, injecting it into the food that we directly eat is even worse as it eliminates a few steps. The only conclusion we are left with is that it is all about the money…. and depopulation.

  7. I was at Tractor Supply the other day and the baby chicksection (there every spring) said all of the chicks were bird flu immune now….except there weren’t any baby chicks in the baby chick section….

  8. jellybean SUNDAY, 16 MARCH 2025, 19:08 AT 7:08 PM


    When I was just past being a toddler I was given free range in the back of Gram’s property. Small vineyard, way in the back a small mink farm, huge garden, chickens wandering also.

    Anyway, I came into the house and my Aunt Florence noticed that it looked like I’d been crying and had a red mark on my cheek just below my eye. She asked what had happened and I told her I that I had a new name for one of the chickens. Doing her best to keep a straight face she asked what I named it. I told her “Dirty Bastard!” Bending over to close it saw its reflection in my eye and tried to peck it.

    So yes, I know what the “glasses” are for. Blocking vision to protect them from themselves.

    The old small farmstead is now the location of the current Village Hall and buildings of Arlington Heights IL


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