Like Chicago’s Murder Problem, Chris Kennedy’s Father Was Also a Victim of “Gun Violence” – IOTW Report

Like Chicago’s Murder Problem, Chris Kennedy’s Father Was Also a Victim of “Gun Violence”

A republican candidate for Illinois governor, Jeanne Ives, said a good solution to the ridiculous amount of gun violence in Chicago is to work on having “fathers in the home.”

There was an audible gasp and groan from the people who have no solutions and who sit in their own self-satisfying progressive fart cloud. Seizing on this, Chris Kennedy, who learned everything about politics at the knee of drunken killer  uncle, Ted Kennedy, went into typical Kennedy-Klan high dudgeon and all martyr-like declared that he was from a fatherless household, as the result of “gun violence.”

If Kennedy wants to shoehorn his father’s political assassination into the Chicago gun violence mix, then I get to say his father’s assassination was the result of bad immigration policy. To make matters worse, it was his Uncle Ted who ramped up the flood of immigration to the U.S., drawing no connection between immigration and his brother’s murder. But he was usually drunk, so I’ll give him a pass on that. He was probably “shaken and disoriented,” and drenched in pond water, when he signed those bills.

story here

ht/ c. steven tucker


15 Comments on Like Chicago’s Murder Problem, Chris Kennedy’s Father Was Also a Victim of “Gun Violence”

  1. Hoplophobia is far and away the most dangerous of all phobias,
    because of its unique nexus to political action.
    Because sufferers act out their fears in the political arena,
    it represents a significant and underappreciated threat to the nation.
    Bruce N. Eime

  2. Hoplophobia is far and away the most dangerous of all phobias,
    because of its unique nexus to political action.
    Because sufferers act out their fears in the political arena,
    it represents a significant and underappreciated threat to the nation.
    Bruce N. Eimer

  3. Completely understandable. It’s just a technicality, actually.
    Who cares what his religion actually was? He harbored every ill thought of a Muslim from the region he was from.
    He was from British Palestine, or Mandatory Palestine, but was considered Jordanian.
    It’s all weird.

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