Rick Perry To Run the Department He Couldn’t Remember – IOTW Report

Rick Perry To Run the Department He Couldn’t Remember

Rick Perry famously had a brain fart on stage at the republican presidential debate when he tried to mention 3 federal agencies he wanted to shut down. Energy was one of them. Now he’s been tapped by Trump to head that department, playing into the theory that Trump is picking people who oppose certain departments to run those departments, with an eye towards eventually paring them down, or closing them altogether.


18 Comments on Rick Perry To Run the Department He Couldn’t Remember

  1. So, is Trump! giving ANOTHER establish Republican, RINO, cuckservative to an important post? How is He! gonna drain the swamp if He! keeps hiring gators and ‘possums?

  2. Actually, I kind of like the idea of a Texan at the head of the department who will finally green light Keystone and push for domestic production. Someone will have to pin a note to Perry’s suit jacket with his name and the address of his office though, just in case his cranial flatulence goes into overdrive.

  3. “So, is Trump! giving ANOTHER establish Republican, RINO, cuckservative to an important post? How is He! gonna drain the swamp if He! keeps hiring gators and ‘possums?”

    If Trump is effective he will hold Perry accountable to strip down the Dept of Energy and phase it out. If Perry does not do the job, guess what? YOU’RE FIRED!

  4. Perry is a Governor (R), an executive administrator from an energy-abundant Red State.

    Give him a chance, as our new President is, and if he screws up, then blast him.
    His job will be the DoE, not reforming the GOP, not cleaning up the Congressional sewer.

  5. The “Department of Energy” has never generated on watt of electricity, dug one gram of coal, pumped one drop of oil, compressed one whiff of natural gas or found one atom of uranium. None.

    All the Department of Energy has done is over-regulate any productive enterprise and give away millions of taxpayer dollars to Democratic Donors’ crazy wind and solar schemes.

    Oh, and they have a nice “Holiday” party, too.

  6. I read that Elon Musk is skipping the Tech meeting with Trump.
    Musk, a pseudo engineer who has ripped off more technology than Edison.
    Never met a government hand out he didn’t take and use to frap himself.
    Hopefully Prez Trump cuts this faker off at the knees.

  7. I have a big problem with all of these broads getting noms, personally. As a woman who owns an international business, I prefer dealing with less of these sketchy broads who are easily co-opted.

  8. The Dept of Energy sucks. A yuge waste of good money. They do sweet FA. Zero them out then move on to the next agency. Education, Labor, Agriculture all could disappear and the end result would only be savings to the US taxpayer. Oh, and the loss of a bunch of make-work jobs with overpaid useless government worker parasites. OH, I guess corporate agribusiness would miss the money that the government steals from us and gives to them to grow more surplus corn.

  9. You can’t blame the guy for not remembering the Dept. of Energy that actually produces no energy. It’s sort of like the Dept. of Education that would more correctly be called Ministry of Propaganda. Maybe these entities are becoming something we don’t want to remember.

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