Robert Mueller Requests Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing – IOTW Report

Robert Mueller Requests Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing

Conservative Tree House: Special Counsel Robert Mueller has requested another delay in the sentencing of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, citing the status of the special counsel’s investigation.

WASHINGTON DC – Lawyers for both special counsel Robert Mueller and President Trump’s former national security adviser want two more months until Michael Flynn is sentenced.

In a court filing in Washington on Tuesday afternoon, Mueller’s office asks for a postponement “due to the status of the special counsel’s investigation.”

Lawyers for Flynn — who pleaded guilty in November to lying to the FBI about conversations with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in December 2016 — agreed.  more

7 Comments on Robert Mueller Requests Another Delay in Flynn Sentencing

  1. in other words: ‘dammit! we haven’t been able to pump anything indictable about Trump from Flynn yet’

    (Flynn’s every answer is: ‘Pardon me?’)

  2. Mueller/fbi/usgov needs to drop bogus charges, pay all legal fees, buy his house back and apologize profusely, and then report to Fort Leavenworth for their 20 year sentence for violating the US constitution.

  3. There sure as hell should be a pardon! 🙂
    It’s still illegal to lie to the FBI, but since Flynn knew that said agency was up to partisan criminal activity, he had every pardonable right to report only to his boss…

  4. Mueller is getting real nervous about now, he knows that things are shifting bigtime and he just might be in the target zone himself before too long. He has already been exposed publicly for his slimy and thuggish abuse of his position and when investigators really begin digging he could be on the other end of what he’s dished out.


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