“Roe V Wade” The Movie Finally Gets Released – IOTW Report

“Roe V Wade” The Movie Finally Gets Released


After relentless opposition both on and off the set for more than three years, the movie “Roe v. Wade” – promising to tell the true story behind the landmark decision that established a “right” to abortion – is set for release Friday.

Shunned by Hollywood, the independent production features the directorial debut of Cathy Allyn and Nick Loeb, who also filled the roles of producer, co-writer and lead actor.

Loeb portrays Dr. Bernard Nathanson, spotlighting the pioneering abortion doctor’s part in the Roe case and his dramatic conversion to follower of Jesus Christ and leading pro-life activist. More

The knives are already out for this film. Here Here and Here and of course Rotten Tomatoes


7 Comments on “Roe V Wade” The Movie Finally Gets Released

  1. @M M The film may not make it to many theaters. Only a few theaters have recently opened at all.

    We’ll all have to keep an eye out for the DVD when it becomes available.

  2. I can’t see most movies. The largest, nicest theater chain closed permanently thanks to General Mills and the dumbest legislature in the country keeping us most shut down, very limited and masked.

  3. Politic is corruption.

    I feel most have no idea what this means.

    There is very specific reasons why our founders and framers feared the natural tendency of humans to form political parties and naively hoped our new republic would deter such impulse.

    The answer: Political corruption. George Washington even caved..

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