Ron Johnson(R) demands FBI verify Hunter Biden emails, as one person involved has already claimed they’re real – IOTW Report

Ron Johnson(R) demands FBI verify Hunter Biden emails, as one person involved has already claimed they’re real

The Sen. Ron Johnson(R) story is below.
But first: Someone already stepped forward to say the emails were real:
Person On Email Thread Allegedly Involving Hunter Biden Verifies Veracity Of The Messages, Report Says.

A person who was reportedly on an email chain allegedly involving Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, confirmed to Fox News late on Friday the accuracy of the messages that were reported earlier this week by the New York Post.

Fox News noted that the emails appeared “to outline a payout for former Vice President Joe Biden as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm.”


Just The News: The GOP-led Senate Homeland Security Committee on Saturday demanded the FBI make known whether the recently discovered whistleblower emails related to Hunter Biden and father Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, are legitimate.

“The committee must know whether the FBI has assessed the validity of materials the whistleblower has provided,” Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

The Wisconsin Republican set a deadline of Thursday to receive the information.

Johnson, whose committee was already investigating Hunter Biden’s business deals in the Ukraine, particularly his lucrative contact with the Burisma Holding energy company, also states in the letter that his committee was contacted by a whistleblower about a week before The New York Post published the emails Wednesday.  more

11 Comments on Ron Johnson(R) demands FBI verify Hunter Biden emails, as one person involved has already claimed they’re real

  1. And yet, leftists and their comrades in the media can claim this is Russian disinformation without any evidence and Twitter and Fakebook allows it without censoring them.

  2. “The GOP-led Senate Homeland Security Committee on Saturday demanded the FBI make known whether the recently discovered whistleblower emails related to Hunter Biden and father Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, are legitimate.”

    Why, exactly? We all know noting what so ever will be done. So what is the point? These people are demonstrably above US law.

    Drop it. Move on, I believe is the phrase.

  3. Luckily we have Christopher Ray on the job. He’s already solved this caper. It’s a “Russian Disinformation Operation”.

    The sole purpose of the FBI and CIA are to cover up and clean up after the DNC.


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