‘Roots’ Remake: Snoop Dogg Got It Right – IOTW Report

‘Roots’ Remake: Snoop Dogg Got It Right

AT: Quoting the Pointer Sisters song, “I’m so excited!” Black pop icon Snoop Dogg’s comments about the remake of the “Roots” TV series, in essence, is what I have been preaching to fellow blacks for decades (without his profanity).

Snoop said, “I’m sick of this s—. They are going to just keep beating that s— into our heads about how they did us, huh?” Snoop spoke against new shows and movies such as “12 Years a Slave” which “keep showing the abuse we took hundreds and hundreds of years ago.”

Snoop said, “I ain’t watching that s—, and I advise you motherf—ers as real n—— like myself; f— them television shows. Snoop continued, “Let’s create our own s— based on today, how we live and how we inspire people today. Black is what’s real. F— that old s—.”

I say, “Right-on bro! (in my 1970s lingo)” Folks, for decades, I have been frustrated; trying to get through to fellow blacks that continuing to view themselves as victims and using slavery as an excuse for bad and trifling behavior only weakens them.  MORE

13 Comments on ‘Roots’ Remake: Snoop Dogg Got It Right

  1. The first Roots was a pant load, I can imagine what a revisionist load of bovine excrement this new fantasy is.
    A good slave was an investment, you don’t treat your investment as bad as ‘they’ say.
    Now then, an Irish worker was a ‘rental’, who treats a rental well?

  2. “The Truth shall set you Free!”
    (Veritas liberabit vos)

    But, sad as it may be, some people don’t want to be “Free” – they just want free shit – and it ain’t the same thing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “I have been frustrated; trying to get through to fellow blacks that continuing to view themselves as victims and using slavery as an excuse for bad and trifling behavior only weakens them.”

    This is the kind of thinking that keeps a vast number of Blacks on life support.

  4. Reinforcement of enslavement through the entertainment media. Those once bound in chains are now enslaved by own will. Duped into a belief of being “freed”. These reinforcements are an attempts to promote understanding in the enslaved that they are owed something more without exposing the truth of their willful enslavement.

    The Democrat/Progressive/Socialists have a good thing going for themselves and there is no way they will let it slip away. The constant rhetoric, media pushed unfairness, self enrichment interested clergy, and specialized social groups share a portion of the reaped benefits while the enslaved are just that, enslaved. The development of more support programs to keep the enslaved is ever branching and taking root as ever more Americans willfully accept the enslavement.

    Sad, the American spirit was once a reflection of Rugged Individualism …

  5. There was a black Harvard grad giving a commencement speech recently (on CNN’s Facebook page if you want to see it and puke on a hot day) where he wrote one of those contrived and pretentious SJW poems about the boot he is under. But the moron with no self-awareness whatsoever was describing the democrat plantation he is on. I guess you only have to be a dim bulb to go to Harvard anymore. As long as you stay on the democrat plantation with their boots on your neck college grad your jizzle will sizzle!

  6. Some white people think they are just sooo smart. They watch PBS and listen to NPR all day and this kind of cherry-picked history (I prefer this term to revisionist history) is on again and again and again.

    After basking in the guilt of what they believe all of their evil white ancestors did, they then assuage that guilt with pity,free stuff,lower standards, welfare,and even a pass for bad (and criminal) behaviour.

  7. Obama’s legacy: Restoring racism to it’s rightful place in America.
    Very few blacks will read Llyod Marcus. Especially those who need to read him, just can’t.
    Hopefully Snoop Dogg will get through to some.

  8. It’s funny how the concept of racism against blacks has devolved over the years.

    It used to mean that blacks wanted work, but nobody would hire them. Now it means that the gubmint won’t give them enough free shit.

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